品牌 |
Zero Tolerance 零误差 |
型号 |
产地 |
美国 |
全长 |
20.6 cm |
闭合长度 |
11.75 cm |
刀刃长 |
8.8 cm |
刀刃钢材 |
CPM - S35VN |
钢材硬度 |
58-60 HRC |
刀刃厚度 |
3.4 mm |
手柄材质 |
正面G10,背面钛金属手柄 |
表面处理 |
DLC 黑色类金刚石涂层 |
重量 |
5.8oz 约合164克 |
设计者 |
类型 |
水滴型刀刃 |
锁定方式 |
Ti frame lock |
The Zero Tolerance 0550 features a bullet-tough blade of Crucible's S35VN stainless steel with a roughed-up “stonewashed” finish. This ultra high-performance steel is a third-generation powdered steel designed to offer increased toughness over S30V, yet be easier to machine and polish. S35VN’s chemistry includes niobium, vanadium and chromium carbides. It is very clean with virtually no inclusion and offers an exceptionally uniform distribution of carbides. It is highly wear resistant and resists edge chipping and corrosion, too. In other words, this high-performance knife can take whatever you can dish out.
Designed by Rick Hinderer, the 0550 is a manual-opening knife yet can easily be opened one-handed with the ambidextrous thumbstud. The 0550 offers the user a secure grip thanks to the contoured handle ergonomics as well as the textured G-10 front handle scale. The back is titanium and is home to a super-secure frame lock with lockbar stabilizer to prevent overflexing of the lock.
For such a good-sized knife, the 0550 is surprisingly light and makes an excellent every day carrying blade. And, thanks to Zero Tolerance’s Quad-mount system, you can carry it tip-up or tip-down, left- or right-handed. The clip is also designed for deep carry, so it sits well down in your pocket.
Zero Tolerance 美国零误差,此款 0550BLK S35VN钢瑞克银色全刃战术折刀是2011年亚特兰大刀展最佳合作刀大奖得主大师Rick Hinderer与Zero Tolerancen首次合作的杰作,采用CPM S35VN钢作为刃材,相比S30V,更加坚韧,手柄采用全钛一体锁定装置,更加的安全可靠。另一面的G-10材质防滑效果更佳,配有可左右互换的口袋夹,可单手开启闭合的推刀钮,一切的细节都表明 Zero Tolerance 美国零误差公司再一次的在这款刀上体现出【零误差、零缺失】的完美境界。
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