品 牌 |
ZERO TOLERANCE ZT 零误差(官网:www.ztknives.com) |
型 号 |
#0392PURBLKWC "Rick Hinderer & ZT Limited Edition" 0392 全球限量版折
产 地 |
MADE IN USA 美国制造 |
全 长 |
20.8 cm |
闭合长度 |
11.9 cm |
刃 长 |
8.9 cm |
刃 材 |
M390 M390超级粉末不锈钢 |
硬 度 |
60~61 HRC |
刃 厚 |
4 mm |
表面处理 |
DLC Coating DLC,钻石类金刚石涂层。 |
手柄材质 |
Titanium with black DLC coating. 钛金属材质 表面为黑色DLC涂层处理 |
重量 |
158.6 克 |
锁定方式 |
REEVE一体框架锁,配可更换补偿系统。 附带KVT轴承主轴 |
设计者 |
Rick Hinderer |
官网价格 |
400美元,不含运费及关税。 |
限 制 |
未成年人请勿购买,仅供收藏用! |

The 0392PURBLKWC Factory Custom was built as a partnership between Rick Hinderer and Zero Tolerance. The titanium hardware, including a custom titanium filler tab, is custom made and anodized by Rick Hinderer. With ZT’s customary robust precision, we manufacture the blade from premium Bohler M390, then DLC coat it.
The handles are sturdy titanium with black DLC coating. The 0392PURBLKWC has a titanium frame lock, lockbar stabilizer & hardened steel lockbar insert for secure lock up. A built-in flipper and the KVT ball-bearing opening system make the 0392PURBLKWC easy to open, so you can put to work on the task at hand quickly and easily.
Each 0392PURBLKWC comes with its own Certificate of Authenticity from Zero Tolerance and Rick Hinderer.
Factory Custom is a new concept in knifemaking. We're bringing together handmade custom knife parts with ZT precision-manufactured parts to create a new class of ultra-premium knives that we’re calling Factory Custom. While we’ve often worked with custom knifemakers to create some of our exceptional products, we’ve never had this kind of partnership before. Now, working together, we can create knives with true custom details, while producing quantities that would be impossible for a custom knifemaker. Our new Factory Custom series brings you knives that offer the very best of both worlds. Factory Custom knives will also enable after-market customization so users can make them one-of-a-kind items. In the future, you can expect to see Factory Custom partnerships that will bring you some genuinely remarkable knives.
0392PURBLKWC Custom Hardware by Rick Hinderer:
Steel pivot screw
Titanium tube spacers
Titanium handle screws
Titanium clip
Titanium filler tab
此款0392限量版,是美国ZT公司与著名的战术刀定制大师:RICK HINDERER合作,并由RICK负责设计和部分配件的生产,包括钛金属的垫片,口袋夹,快开钮,螺丝等,都是由RICK本人亲自生产制作。ZT公司负责生产BLADE刀片部分。主刀由M390超级钢制作而成,表面为DLC,钻石类金刚石涂层处理;采用KVT轴承开合系统,开刀方式采用推刀钮和快开鳍按钮双重方式;开启闭合都非常润滑;手柄采用钛金属材质制作而成,采用CNC数控精密加工,对细节的处理非常到位;由于生产制作比较耗时,故在全球范围内限量生产发售1000支。 此款0392系列,可以说是手工刀匠极致手工与现代科技的完美结合体现!
ZT是 "Zero Tolerance" 的缩写,意为「零误差」。這個品牌名称诉求产品在设计方面、制造过程与功能应用方面,都达到「零誤差、零缺失」的完美境界。由于有着手工版的做工品质,ZT一经问世,便很快在刀具界异军突起。