品 牌 |
Zero Tolerance 零误差 |
型 号 |
0770 "ZT-Folder StoneWashed" |
产 地 |
美国 |
全 长 |
19.2 cm |
闭合长度 |
10.9 cm |
刃 长 |
8.3 cm |
刀刃钢材 |
钢材硬度 |
59-60 HRC |
刃 厚 |
3 mm |
手柄材质 |
航空铝合金手柄 |
表面处理 |
Stone Washed finish 钢本色石洗处理 |
重 量 |
3oz 约合85克 |
设计者 |
ZT design |
官网售价 |
220美元,不包括运费及关税 |
锁定方式 |
Liner lock 线锁 |
The ZT 0770:
The original, award-winning Zero Tolerance 0777 is a very limited-run knife.Yet interest in it is high among blade aficionados. That's why Zero Tolerance is happy to announce a new version of that award-winning knife—one that will be much more generally available. The 0770CF offers the style and performance of the award-winning 0777, but in a slightly smaller, streamlined version.
For ZT performance, the blade is ELMAX powdered steel, which provides the ability to take a razor edge, excellent edge retention, strength, and toughness. A stonewashed finish on the blade hides hard-use scratches and makes maintenance easier. The sweeping lines of the original 0777 are preserved in the lightweight carbon-fiber handle that fits securely in the hand. An inset liner lock secures the blade.
The 0770 opens quickly and easily thanks to SpeedSafe® assisted opening and the built-in flipper. Includes deep-carry pocketclip. For a final touch of class, ZT adds a handsome oversized pivot.
ZT是 "Zero Tolerance" 的缩写,意为「零误差」。這個品牌名称诉求产品在设计方面、制造过程与功能应用方面,都达到「零誤差、零缺失」的完美境界
ZT零误差公司的0770是在零误差公司最热门的型号 0777 的基础上改进而来的,0777刚问世的时候,就引起了不小的轰动。此款外形可以说是小号的0777,手柄采用航空铝合金制造,刀刃钢材选用ELMAX粉末钢制造,加入了SpeedSafe助力快开系统,只要推动快开鳍便可打开;更小的尺寸更适合EDC使用。同时配有可以可调整的口袋夹。