品 牌 |
Zero Tolerance 零误差 |
型 号 |
0777 M390 “万刀之王” M390超级钢+碳纤维/钛金属手柄 |
产 地 |
美国 |
全 长 |
22.1 cm |
闭合长度 |
12.9 cm |
刃 长 |
9.7 cm |
刀刃钢材 |
M390 Surper Steel M390超级钢 |
钢材硬度 |
60-1 HRC |
刃 厚 |
4 mm |
手柄材质 |
碳纤维手柄+钛金属衬片 |
表面处理 |
Stone Washed finish 钢本色石洗处理 |
重 量 |
约118克 |
设计者 |
ZT design |
官网售价 |
限量1000把销售 |
锁定方式 |
Frame lock 一体框架锁 |
The ZT 0777 M390:
Zero Tolerance Knives create the new Zero Tolerance 0777.
On the performance end, the blade is Surper M390 powdered steel. With almost no impurities in the steel, the blade can be sharpened to hair-popping levels—and also offers excellent edge retention, strength, and toughness. For a secure grip, the front scale is cabron. The back is all Titanium with a sturdy frame lock and lockbar stabilizer. The 0777 offers Zero Tolerance's quad-mounting system so users can choose tip-up/tip/down, left- or right-handed carry. And because it's a deep-carry clip, the knife will sit comfortably deep in the pocket.
For Rick Hinderer style in an easy-carry size.
ZT是 "Zero Tolerance" 的缩写,意为「零误差」。這個品牌名称诉求产品在设计方面、制造过程与功能应用方面,都达到「零誤差、零缺失」的完美境界
0777 M390是ZT零误差公司继推出0777之后的又一力作,与之前亚特兰大刀展的0777款式是一模一樣的,
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