品牌 |
Extrema Ratio 极端武力 |
型号 |
A.D.R.A. Ordinanza
产地 |
意大利 |
全长 |
31 cm |
闭合长度 |
----- |
刀刃长 |
17.8 cm |
刀刃钢材 |
N690Co |
钢材硬度 |
58HRC |
刀刃厚度 |
6.3 mm |
手柄材质 |
表面处理 |
钛氮涂层 |
重量 |
330 克 |
刀鞘 |
附件 |
附带军版防水密封盒 |
The A.D.R.A. (Arditi Distruttori Regia Aeronautica) operated during World War II in the North African territories and were awarderd two silver medal of honour.
The Adra battallion had the complex task to sabotage enemy military airports through missions in which they used new warfare techniques untill then unknown.
Today, the 17° Stormo Incursori, a special unit of the Italian Airforce, takes over to the glorious batallion and lines up carrying at the belt the true symbol of their courage: the combact dagger.
ADRA, a dagger of European classical shape, was developed and wanted by the 17° Stormo high command. It begins the road to honour and duty.
ADRA is now available in three versions:
ADRA Operativa, burnished, without military logo and comes with calf sheath
ADRA Ordinanza 17° Stormo, burnished, with 17° Stormo logo, comes in ABS case engraved with both calf and sand color ceremonial belt sheath.
ADRA Special Edition 17° Stormo, numbered but NOT in limited edition. Wooden case and satin finished blade and parts. Comes with 17° Stormo logo and motto and cerimonial belt sheath.
極端武力此款A.D.R.A. 阿提迪航空团现役经营是第二次世界大戰期间在北非地區的阿提迪航空团所使用,阿提迪航空团在awarderd地区戰功显赫,因此获得了2枚银质荣誉勋章。此款刀目前配发意大利空军特別小组使用。刀刃是黑色N690CO钴强化不銹鋼,握柄採用FORPRENE(北約軍用規格)材質防滑材質。双刃造型,一面是半齿。金色的LOGO凸显此款的荣誉。 同时,此款配有一个防水军规密封手提箱,同时配有两个刀鞘,一个黑色战术版携行刀鞘;一个沙色礼宾刀鞘;