Spyderco蜘蛛C230GP LIL' NATIVE G-10 BLACK 超小号本土系列折刀 S30V钢制造 钢本色石洗表面处理 黑色G10手柄内附双钢衬 背衬锁(现货)
官網建議價:¥1600Spyderco 蜘蛛 C229GP SHAMAN Compression Lock萨满(本土系列)大号折刀 CPM S30V钢 石洗处理配抛光G10材质手柄加双钢衬专利背衬锁(现货)
官網建議價:¥2600LionSteel钢狮(意大利)SR11BB BlackWash 2017美国刀展年度双重冠军奖项型号 SR11黑色石洗特别版 全钛手柄+SELIPNER钢 IKBS轴承开启+专利锁定 ()
品 牌 Extrema Ratio 极端武力 型 号 SUPPRESSOR 镇暴者 - 标准版
产 地 MADE IN ITALY 意大利制造 全 长 32 cm 闭合长度 ----- 刃 长 18 cm 刀刃钢材 N690Co 钢材硬度 58HRC 刃 厚 6.3 mm 手柄材质 POLIAMMIDE 附带颗粒防滑纹路 表面处理 钛氮涂层 重量 300 克 刀鞘 多用途刀鞘 刀鞘材质 尼龙,内部附带K鞘保护板 未成年人请勿购买任何商品。
It is with great pride and gratitude towards the well known anti-terroristic unit of the Corpo dei Carabinieri (military police) that Extrema Ratio presents a dagger for the celebration of the thirty years of G.I.S. (Gruppo Intervento Speciale) establishment.-Suppressor Operativo, burnished, without military logo and comes with a side sheath.
burnished, without military logo and comes with a side sheath.-Suppressor Ordinanza G.I.S., with G.I.S. logo; it is the same dagger supplied to the unit.
Burnished and with G.I.S. logo; it is the same dagger supplied to the unit.-Suppressor Trentennale G.I.S., limited edition numbered series to 1.000 pieces. The knife comes with both the original and the new unit logo; it is presented in a transparent plexiglass case.
Limited edition numbered series to 1.000 pieces. The knife comes with both the original and the new unit logo; it is presented in a transparent plexiglass case.此款镇暴者采用钴强化N690特种钢制成,此种钢材具有N690钢的韧性和耐腐蚀性,同时钴原素的加入,增加了N690钢的硬度和耐磨;采用一体龙骨制造,高达6.3毫米的厚度,使得该刀非常坚固;该刀的另一特色是尾部配有破窗锥,可以砸碎坚固的防爆玻璃,同时,该款还附带一个大号的破窗锥;此款,已经被法国GIS特种部队所采用,具有极高的实战性能。