品牌 |
Extrema Ratio 极端武力 |
型号 |
SUPPRESSOR COMPACT 紧凑战术版镇暴者战术直刀(短款)
产地 |
意大利 |
全长 |
25.3 cm |
闭合长度 |
----- |
刀刃长 |
11.3 cm |
刀刃钢材 |
BöHLER N690 不锈钢 |
钢材硬度 |
58 HRC |
刀刃厚度 |
6.3 mm |
手柄材质 |
NYLON 尼龙包裹 |
表面处理 |
MIL-C-13924 BURNISHING 北约军规涂层 |
重量 |
263 克 |
刀鞘 |
多角度便携尼龙刀鞘 |
官网价格 |
391.5欧元,不包含运费及关税 |
限制:未成年人请勿购买! 仅供收藏!

This dagger was designed for the Gruppo Intervento Speciale - the elite counter-terrorist team of the Italian Carabinieri. Well balanced, and ready when you are. Unusual and specially constructed textured handle with a unique rough finish that gives a good gripping power. It comes with a reinforced pointed “bone crusher” pommel with a lanyard hole. The pommel is replaceable and there is a second heavier one included with each Suppressor G.I.S.
Uniquely designed guards on the handle decrease problems with entanglements. The Suppressor G.I.S. has a full tang with functional coils that also act as guards while giving superior control. The Suppressor G.I.S. comes with a heavy-duty tactical double sheath. The outer sheath is a nylon soft sheath with straps on the lower end of the sheath to wrap around the leg for stability. Inside the outer sheath there is a hard sheath with automatic retention. This is where the dagger actually sits. It comes with the distinctive unit insignia.
It is with great pride and gratitude towards the well known anti-terroristic unit of the Corpo dei Carabinieri (military police) that Extrema Ratio presents a dagger for the celebration of the thirty years of G.I.S. (Gruppo Intervento Speciale) establishment.
-Suppressor Operativo, burnished, without military logo and comes with a side sheath.
burnished, without military logo and comes with a side sheath.
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