品牌 |
型号 |
C10 PGYW 埃莫森快开 |
产地 |
日本 |
全长 |
224mm |
闭合长度 |
127mm |
刀刃长 |
97mm |
刀刃钢材 |
VG-10 |
钢材硬度 |
58-60 HRC |
手柄长度 |
127mm |
手柄材质 |
FRN 配双钢衬 |
刀刃厚度 |
3mm |
重量 |
102克 |
设计者 |
类型 |
EDC适用 |
款式 |
平刃。 |
参考价格 |
124.95美元,不含运费及关税 |

Spyderco Endura4 Emerson Opening Feature
If knives could be created in the same way we choose players for fantasy football league teams, every hardcore knife knut would recruit features and characteristics they like best from different knife companies and combine them into their favorite knife. Spyderco will undoubtedly fulfill many knife knuts knife fantasy picks with the introduction of the Delica and Endura with Emerson's opening feature. These models combine all that's functional and performance-based in a Spyderco folder with the blade-opening feature made popular and patented by Ernest Emerson of Emerson Knives.
The Emerson opening feature is a hook curving out the top of the knife's blade. When removing the knife from a front pocket it catches the pocket's edge quickly opening the knife blade ready to use. The knife can also be taken out of the pocket without engaging the opening feature by pulling it straight up and out with your fingers on top of the closed blade.
Delicas and Enduras with Emerson's opening feature have screw construction making cleaning and adjusting easier. Their gray fiberglass reinforced nylon handles are molded with Bi-Directional Texturing® for traction and improved ergonomics. Inside the handle dual skeletonized stainless steel liners strengthen the knife without additional weight and create an anchor for external and internal components to attach through for more sturdiness and rigidity. Their VG-10 blades are flat saber-ground with a stronger tip and larger 13mm opening hole. Added to the blade's spine is slip resistant jimping. Phosphor bronze washers smooth out the open/close action and the clip is upgraded to a four-way tip-up, tip-down, left- or right-handed clip.
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