品 牌 |
Zero Tolerance Z.T 零误差 |
型 号 |
0350ST |
产 地 |
MADE IN USA 美国制造 |
全 长 |
19.3 cm |
闭合长度 |
11.7 cm |
刃 长 |
8.3 cm |
刃 钢材 |
S30V |
钢材硬度 |
59-61 HRC |
刃 厚 |
3.07 mm |
手柄材质 |
G10手柄配双钢衬 |
表面处理 |
黑色碳化钨涂层 |
重 量 |
5.6oz 约合164克 |
设计者 |
Ken Onion design |
类 型 |
水滴型刀刃,黑色半齿 |
锁定方式 |
Ti frame lock |
The 0350ST is smaller and lighter than some of our larger ZT models, yet it packs a lot of features into a smaller size that some users prefer—especially for every day carry. This model also features partial serration, which enables it to zip through cord or other fibrous material with ease.
The 0350ST features the patented SpeedSafe® assisted opening system enabling a user to deploy the blade quickly and easily, even in gloves, thanks to the ambidextrous flipper. The blade is S30V stainless steel with non-reflective, black Tungsten DLC (Diamond-Like Carbon) coating. S30V is extremely durable, corrosion resistant, and wear resistant. In addition to providing a non-reflective surface, the black Tungsten DLC coating offers additional blade hardness and reduces friction. This high-performance S30V blade is paired with textured black G-10 scales for a secure grip and excellent mechanical strength even under the roughest conditions.
The scales are flat rather than 3D machined like those of the 0300. A locking liner secures the blade during use. The 0350 also includes ZT’s Quad-mount system for complete versatility. Mount the pocketclip in any of four ways: tip-up, tip-down, on the left side, or the right. There’s a pre-drilled lanyard hole for users who prefer to attach a lanyard.
ZT是 "Zero Tolerance" 的缩写,意为「零误差」。這個品牌名称诉求产品在设计方面、制造过程与功能应用方面,都达到「零誤差、零缺失」的完美境界
此款0350 ,由刀匠 Ken Onlion 與 Strider Knives 刀廠 (知名設計軍事專業廠) 合作設計。單手開啟且有SpeedSafeR 協助迅速開啟功能,只要靈巧將拇指飾鈕向前推或刀背上的突出物往後拉,則刀子就會展開。刀刃使用S30V不銹鋼製成,並運用「碳化鎢塗層(Tungsten DLC Coating)」處理。碳化鎢塗層具有高耐磨耗性,減低磨擦力,大幅度地增加刀刃的耐用度與切割能力。衝擊韌性極強,可最苛刻的野外环境下執行。握柄為厚實的G-10材質,並以機器3D刻紋,具有高強度。3/8英寸六角形的頭,可用小工具調整樞軸。提供一個背夾,讓您配戴方便。可與MOLLE尼龙套配合适用。
● 单手开启且有SpeedSafeR 協助迅速開啟功能。
● 刀刃使用S30V不銹鋼製成。
● 提供一個背夾,讓您携带方便。
0350 野外精彩测试视频:

您可以先添加我们的客服微信了解更多: xnife1980 2017-04-06 更新
以下图片为最早一批的 0350系列,已经停产,更换为新版包装,仅供对比: