品 牌 |
ZeroTolerance Z.T 零误差 |
型 号 |
0300 "SpeedSafe" Folder |
产 地 |
美国 |
全 长 |
21.9 cm |
闭合长度 |
13 cm |
刃 长 |
9.5 cm |
刀刃钢材 |
S30V |
钢材硬度 |
59-61 HRC |
刃 厚 |
4 mm |
手柄材质 |
3D Machined G-10 front, titanium back 正面为黑色G10 + 背面为钛金属 |
涂 层 |
Tungsten DLC coating黑色碳化钨涂层 |
重 量 |
8oz 约合226.79克 |
设计者 |
Ken Onion design |
锁定方式 |
Ti frame lock 钛金属一体框架锁 |
官网价格 |
340美元,不包含运费及关税。 |

If any ZT is our flagship knife, it’s the 0300. It has all the features Zero Tolerance is known for: extremely solid construction, premium materials, and sophisticated ergonomics. This top-quality knife is equipped with the patented SpeedSafe assisted opening system.
SpeedSafe makes it easy for users to deploy the blade one-handed—using the ambidextrous flipper. The flipper is easy to access and with a blade this massive, SpeedSafe supplies an assist you’ll appreciate. In addition to SpeedSafe, the 0300 features a tough S30V stainless steel blade with matte black Tungsten DLC (Diamond-Like Carbon) coating. The S30V blade steel is designed to provide the perfect combination of durability, wear resistance, and corrosion resistance. The Tungsten DLC not only provides a non-reflective camouflaged surface, but also enhances blade hardness and reduces friction drag.
The 0300’s handle is 3-D machined G-10 in the front with a matching 3D machined titanium back. The titanium frame lock provides a secure blade lock up during use. With or without gloves, this enables a very firm grip. The solid grip enables a quick transition from forward to reverse grip time and again. Heavy jimping on the thumb ramp further enhances the grip. A 3/8-inch hex head pivot shaft nut makes field adjustments possible with minimal tools. ZT's Quad-mount pocketclip enables for tip-up, tip-down, left- or right-handed carry. The 0300 is also available with a versatile, partially serrated edge as the 0300ST.
ZT是 "Zero Tolerance" 的缩写,意为「零误差」。這個品牌名称诉求产品在设计方面、制造过程与功能应用方面,都达到「零誤差、零缺失」的完美境界
此款0300系列的ZT战术格斗刀,由刀匠Ken Onlion 与Strider Knives 刀厂(知名设计的军事专门厂) 合作设计。单手开启且有SpeedSafe 协助迅速开启功能,只要灵巧将拇指饰钮向前推或刀背上的突出物往后拉,则刀子就会展开。
刀刃使用S30V不锈钢制成,虎斑纹路于刀刃上,并运用「碳化钨涂层(Tungsten DLC Coating)」处理。碳化钨涂层具有高耐磨耗性,减低磨擦力,大幅度地增加刀刃的耐用度与切割能力。冲击韧性极强,可最苛刻的野外环境下执行。握柄为厚实的G-10材质+钛金属内衬,并以机器3D刻纹,具有高强度。 3/8英寸六角形的头,可用小工具调整枢轴。提供一个背夹,让您配戴方便。
● 单手开启且有SpeedSafeR 協助迅速開啟功能。
● 刀刃使用S30V不銹鋼製成。
● 提供一個背夾,讓您携带方便。