品 牌: |
Cold Steel 冷钢 |
型 号: |
36JSK Master Hunter VG-1 SAN MAI III |
全 长: |
235mm |
刀 长: |
114mm |
刃 材: |
VG-1 San Mai III |
硬 度: |
60-61HRC |
表 面: |
珠光处理 |
刃 厚: |
4.76mm |
柄 长: |
121mm |
柄 材: |
Kray-Ex™ |
重 量: |
181g |
原产地: |
美国品牌,日本制造 |

Modesty seldom comes into play when we are describing how good our knives are. But in the case of the Master Hunter®, we've been unquestionably negligent in that department. So, modesty aside, we want to go on record and say, without a doubt, the Master Hunter® is the best hunting knife you can obtain at any price. It features a broad VG-1 San Mai III® blade that's been flat ground to achieve the ideal blade cross-section and edge geometry. Carefully honed to razor sharpness, its edge cuts effortlessly while its dropped point simplifies the chore of field dressing and skinning.
The spine of the blade is a full 3/16" thick to allow for the necessary strength and stiffness to field dress and skin the biggest animals like elk, moose, brown bear, and the African Dangerous Seven. The grip is specially designed to promote long use without fatigue. Made of the shock absorbent, slightly tacky feeling Kray-Ex™, and featuring our deeply checkered surface, it positively won't slip no matter how wet or bloody your hands get. Plus, Kray-Ex™ has specially enduring advantages in that it will never rot, shrink, crack, splinter, or mildew, and is completely impervious to even the harshest weather. For safety, the Master Hunter® comes in a thick, heavy Conceal-Ex™ sheath that will accommodate just about any size belt and allow you to carry it all day without fatigue.
Sharing most of the design features of our Master Hunter®, this variation features a guthook. This makes it an extremely useful tool for field dressing and opening body cavities without piercing the entrails.
COLD STEEL(冷钢),1980年由Lynn Thompson 武术家和猎手创办于美国,是美国著名多元化冷钢刀,摺刀、直刀生产制造商,设计师为Lynn Thompson 以及一些日本刀匠。冷钢,美国品牌,日本生产,使用Carbon V及 Aus系列,还有三美等各种高档钢材生产各种刀具产品在Cold Steele,COLD坚持所生产的刀都必须是高性能的,亦即从最小最便宜的到最好最昂贵的刀,皆须符合这个要求。每一把刀的性能都必须超越它的价格,也就是必须"物超所值"。为了达成这种目标,COLD全力投入研究高性能刀必須具备的条件。就刀而言,這些包括断面、厚度、刀身几何、刀刃几何、钢材以及热处理等,上述每一项条件都被精研至所有细节,以达到各种刀子各项特殊用途的最佳整合效果。如果是折刀,冷钢把重点放在它的锁扣系统,以确保最强固、最安全的结构。若是刀柄,则致力于开发材料于人体工程学的完美組合,以提供舒适、牢固的握持。然而,最重要的是:冷钢测试自己的产品!"严格的测试"是确保获得我們所要求的性能等級的唯一方法。刀子坚实可靠的性能,可在使用多年后,能仍然提供忠实的服务及美好的回忆。
强韧度测试(Test of Strength):
(1) 切砍木板非常的俐落,而且刀痕光滑,显示非常锋利。用这种方式重复切砍松木板之後,仍然保持锋利的刀锋,显示锋利维持力非常好。冷钢极度增强这项性能。
(2) 连续切割麻绳(直径约1英吋=2.54公分),对刀锋而言,是项严峻的考验。除非是最锋利的刀刃,否則光是麻绳的表面部分,就足以钝化一般刀刃,但是麻绳的中心部份却非常粗劣,足以钝化最好的手工刀。任何一把刀若能通过这项连续切割麻绳的考验,也必能胜任野外使用的要求。
(3) 刮削毛发是一种检验刀刃锋利度的快速简便方法。刮的越干净利落,表示刀子越锋利。大部分工刀厂于手工刀都无法如此锐利,但是所有COLD STEELEl刀在出产时候皆已具备这种锋利度。美国COLD STEEL(冷钢)公司出品的420J2和440钢材的刀具主要在公司台湾基地生产,碳V钢材主要在公司美国基地生产,AUS-8主要在公司日本基地生产。美国COLD STEEL(冷钢)公司产品全部从美国进口。