Spyderco蜘蛛C230GP LIL' NATIVE G-10 BLACK 超小号本土系列折刀 S30V钢制造 钢本色石洗表面处理 黑色G10手柄内附双钢衬 背衬锁(现货)
官網建議價:¥1600Spyderco 蜘蛛 C229GP SHAMAN Compression Lock萨满(本土系列)大号折刀 CPM S30V钢 石洗处理配抛光G10材质手柄加双钢衬专利背衬锁(现货)
官網建議價:¥2600LionSteel钢狮(意大利)SR11BB BlackWash 2017美国刀展年度双重冠军奖项型号 SR11黑色石洗特别版 全钛手柄+SELIPNER钢 IKBS轴承开启+专利锁定 ()
品 牌: COLD STEEL 冷钢 型 号: 38CSM “SAN MAI SRK III” (此款已停产,图片仅供欣赏) 全 长: 273 mm 刃 长: 152 mm 刃 材: VG-1 San Mai III® 三美夹钢 硬 度: 60HRC 刃 厚: 4.8mm 表面处理: 缎面处理 柄 长: 121mm 柄 材: Long Kraton® 克拉通橡胶包裹 重 量: 230g 产地: 日本制造
All of the knives featured in our Battle Ready Classics Series have been made by Cold Steel® for many years and are well proven in the field as well as in hand to hand combat. Frankly, we have been scratching our heads trying to figure out how we could improve them without drastically raising their price.
The answer was to offer them in our famous San Mai III® steel. Made in Japan according to our strict standards since the mid 1980's, San Mai III® has proven unsurpassed in strength, toughness, sharpness and ease of re-sharpening. Over the years, other "super steels" have come and gone but San Mai III® remains as the most proven high performance stainless steel in the world. If you want a combat knife you can bet your life on, and reasonably priced, check out our Battle Ready series as we have the knife for you.
SRK即 ”Survival Rescue Knife”的缩写,中文意思为「求生救援刀」。Cold Steel的刀匠认为,一把用作求生救援的刀子,必须具有高水平的性能,才能在不良的环境中应付紧急状况〞争取关键的一分一秒。为达到这个标准,Cold Steel将重点集中在钢材的炼制、热处理过程,以及打磨的工夫上,不以外表取胜,不哗众取宠。生存/救援行动需要一种通用的刀以应付极端的情况。冷钢SRK就是按此用途设计的。
今年冷钢变化全球战略制作更多被普通刀友接受的三美钢刀具,用VG-1 San Mai III®三美钢推出部分经典刀型,本次冷钢公司推出由VG-1 San Mai III®刀身制成的,在丛林中,SRK被用来做几乎所有的事情:从吃东西时用来当刀叉,到晚上削蚊帐杆都行。印地安向导很喜欢它,他们把它用作主要的猎刀和日用刀,捕猎猴子、豚鼠和鳄鱼。