品 牌 |
ZERO TOLERANCE ZT 零误差(官网:www.ztknives.com) |
型 号 |
#0456 白俄罗斯设计师 Dmitry Sinkevich 与ZT合作款
产 地 |
MADE IN USA 美国制造 |
全 长 |
19.6 cm |
闭合长度 |
11.4 cm |
刃 长 |
8.3 cm |
刃 材 |
CPM 20CV |
硬 度 |
60~61 HRC |
刃 厚 |
4 mm |
表面处理 |
stonewashed / Satin finish 石洗/拉丝 双重表面处理 |
手柄材质 |
Titanium with Two Tone finish 钛金属材质, 表面为石洗和拉丝双重处理 |
重量 |
187.1 克 |
锁定方式 |
RIL 克里斯·里夫专利一体框架锁,配可更换补偿系统。 附带KVT轴承主轴 |
设计者 |
Dmitry Sinkevich |
官网价格 |
300美元,不含运费及关税。 |
限 制 |
未成年人请勿购买,仅供收藏! |

Zero Tolerance and Belarusian custom knife maker Dmitry Sinkevich have teamed up to produce the 0456. The 0456 offers the premium cutting power for which ZT is well known in a knife with standout looks that are just waiting to be shown off.
Based on Dimitry’s popular custom knife, The Pole, the 0456 features the 3-D rayed handle contours and custom blade shape that defined the original design. The high-quality CTS-204P blade steel is wear and corrosion resistant and takes an exceptional edge. The blade’s premium quality is matched only by its good looks—with an appealing two-tone finish that’s stonewashed on the flats and satin on the grinds. The 0456 opens with ZT’s KVT ball-bearing system for a quick, easy blade release. A titanium frame lock, with a hardened steel lockbar insert, firmly secures the blade open during use.
The 0456 deftly balances handsome appearance and solid utility. On the appearance side, the pivot hardware, custom aluminum backspacer, and left/right reversible pocketclip are finished in a brilliant blue. On the utility side, the 0456 offers top cutting capabilities and excellent edge-holding performance making it the perfect tool to take along with you on any bold adventure.
Well worth the wait.
This is my eighth ZT and my fourth Sinkevich. I was taking a break from buying any more knives for a while until I got a chance to try this one. I had been watching the videos on it for months, but it was just down my list. Boy, was I wrong! After holding it and flipping it in the store, that was it. I took it home and stropped it and it is hair popping sharp. It flips differently than his other ZT knives, but once you get that spot it rockets out! This is a chunk of change to drop on any knife, but you get what you pay for and more. This is now one of my favorite knives of all time.
By Tony H Michigan, U.S.A.
Style, meet function.
Just got my 0456 and my first impression: fawsome (Freakin' Awesome [trademark pending]). It's light. I can't feel it in my pants. In this one instance, Boris the Blade is wrong. "Heavy is good. Heavy is reliable." Even though this is light, it has a hefty feel in my hand. I know it's there and it's comfortable. The 3D machined handle is not only comfortable, it's gorgeous. It's like a Rolls-Royce: classy, stylish, with a touch of sexy. One might think the blue accents are a little flashy, but it brings out the gun metal finish of the titanium handle. The blade itself (Great book), is a unique look and the satin finish with the blade-wash accent leaves little to be desired. The flipper isn't as snappy as I would like, but the detent might need some breaking in. Blade is sharp, without a whisper of movement. Get it soon. It's a worthy EDC and any collector would be happy to show her off.
By Abram Gardnerville, NV
此款ZT0456 是ZT公司与来自白俄罗斯的著名独立刀匠 Dmitry Sinkevich 合作款。由Dmitry Sinkevich 设计,ZT公司负责生产。著名的0450 ,0452等型号,均出自这位著名的设计师之手。
此款0456钢材采用 CPM 20CV顶级钢,替换早期的CTS 204P钢;表面为石洗和拉丝双重处理;改良版T型刀尖,提供良好的切割能力;定制的3D烤蓝主轴螺丝作为点缀;采用KVT轴承开合系统,开合顺畅;手柄为钛金属材质,同样采用石洗和拉丝双重处理;配有可左右互换的口袋夹;采用快开鱼鳍按钮;克里斯·里夫专利的一体框架锁。尾部配有系绳孔。
ZT是 "Zero Tolerance" 的缩写,意为「零误差」。這個品牌名称诉求产品在设计方面、制造过程与功能应用方面,都达到「零誤差、零缺失」的完美境界。由于有着手工版的做工品质,ZT一经问世,便很快在刀具界异军突起。

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