品 牌 |
ZERO TOLERANCE ZT 零误差(官网:www.ztknives.com) |
型 号 |
#0220 丹麦天才设计师 Jens Anso 与ZT合作首款作品 0220钛柄折
产 地 |
MADE IN USA 美国制造 |
全 长 |
21.3 cm |
闭合长度 |
12.4 cm |
刃 长 |
8.9 cm |
刃 材 |
CPM S35VN 粉末不锈钢 |
硬 度 |
59~60 HRC |
刃 厚 |
4 mm |
表面处理 |
stonewashed finish 石洗处理 |
手柄材质 |
Titanium with bead blast finish 钛金属材质 表面为珠光处理 |
重量 |
175.8 克 |
锁定方式 |
RIL 克里斯·里夫专利一体框架锁,配可更换补偿系统。 附带KVT轴承主轴 |
设计者 |
Jens Anso |
官网价格 |
285美元,不含运费及关税。 |
限 制 |
未成年人请勿购买,仅供收藏! |

Danish knife and toolmaker Jens Anso realized a long-time dream when he joined the ZT team earlier this year. One of the first results of our collaboration with Jens is the ZT 0220.
The 0220 is a sleek, practical design with custom touches that will make it a must-have addition to any knife enthusiast’s collection. The modified drop-point blade with slight recurve is made of premium S35VN stainless steel. This high-quality, powdered metallurgy steel is tough, wear resistant, and resists chipping. Additional niobium and vanadium carbides enable a razor-sharp edge and enhance edge retention. The 0220’s attractive stonewashed blade finish looks good and hides use scratches.
The 0220’s stonewashed blade is paired with bead-blasted titanium handles—a contrasting combination that makes the 0220 exceptionally handsome. Zero Tolerance’s KVT ball-bearing system makes it fast and easy to open, too; just pull back on the flipper. The 0220 also features a secure titanium frame lock with hardened steel lockbar insert and a reversible, deep-carry clip.
To enhance the 0220’s custom look and feel, Jens added a decorative pivot as well as a ZT logo medallion near the butt of the knife. Then, for an additional flash of color—as well as additional utility—the aluminum backspacer is anodized in eye-catching orange and has a built-in lanyard attachment.
ZT 0220 is Amazing
A good friend gave me this ZT 0220 as a gift, it is amazing. I have had many knives over the years but this one is significantly different than all the rest. The first thing I notice is the size and weight. It's not tiny at 5" folded and has a nice hefty weight. I know when I lock the blade open this knife is up for ANY challenge. The blade opens very smoothly and easily. As for the actual blade, it is nice and thick for strength but tapers nicely for a super sharp cutting edge. The blade is sharp (physically and asthetically). The blade release really impresses me. Most knives have a small sliver of metal you depress to a side and the blade will close, not this knife. The release is actually part of the handle and makes closing easy but it locks the blade solidly in place. With such an amazingly made blade and well thought out titanium handle, there is really no need for any other knife for me. Thanks KAI for a great knife — Thanks to my buddy Bill for making me the proud owner of serial number 0238.
此款ZT0220,是被业界称为丹麦天才设计师的Jens Anso 设计。Jens Anso 在考虑了很长时间之后,接受了ZT的邀请加入了ZT设计团队,加入之后的0220就是合作之后的第一款作品。0220外形圆润光滑,是任何收藏者都能接受的款式。刀片采用顶级CPM S35VN粉末钢制作,这种钢材具有优良的坚韧,抗磨损,抗崩角性能,额外添加的铌和钒碳化物提高刀锋的边缘锋利度和提高边缘保持性。表面为石洗处理,耐用耐磨损,还可以有效隐藏使用中造成的磨损痕迹;手柄为钛金属材质,表面为珠光喷砂处理,消除钛金属本身的光泽;手柄四周打磨圆滑,握持的时候没有咯手的感觉,同时在手柄上镶嵌一个ZT的小型徽章作为装饰,典雅漂亮;配有可以拆卸的口袋夹,手柄背部,镶嵌有一条醒目的橙色背条,还可以栓手绳。采用RIL,即克里斯·里夫专利的一体框架锁结构。是一款非常值得收藏的ZT产品!

ZT是 "Zero Tolerance" 的缩写,意为「零误差」。這個品牌名称诉求产品在设计方面、制造过程与功能应用方面,都达到「零誤差、零缺失」的完美境界。由于有着手工版的做工品质,ZT一经问世,便很快在刀具界异军突起。
