品 牌 |
SPYDERCO 蜘 蛛 (官网地址:www.spyderco.com) |
型 号 |
#C106SYL “Tasman Salt Yellow” 塔斯曼潜水刀 黄色手柄 |
产 地 |
全 长 |
173 mm |
闭合长度 |
102 mm |
刀刃长 |
75 mm |
切割刃长 |
64 mm |
刀刃钢材 |
H-1 (永不生锈) |
硬度 |
58-60 HRC |
手柄材质 |
黄色 FRN(玻璃增强尼龙纤维) |
刀刃厚度 |
2.5 mm |
重量 |
57 克 |
背锁 |
类型 |
可选款式 |
蜘蛛专利鲨鱼齿 全齿刃 |
官网价格 |
119.95美元,不含运费及关税 |

The Tasman Salt folder features a Hawkbill blade. This distinctive curved cutting tool has a claw-like tip that originated in the marine/commercial fishing industry. Cutting in and around water involves cutting line, netting and rope and it's done quickly, often at arm's length while pulling downward or toward you. The blade's arcing tip holds what you're cutting against the sharpened edge keeping it from slipping off the tip. Spyderco's new rustproof Hawkbill blade is made with state of the art non-rusting H-1 steel. H-1 is a precipitation-hardened steel containing nitrogen instead of carbon, which cannot rust. The hollow-ground blade comes PlainEdged or SpyderEdged with both configurations offering remarkable cutting performance in and around fresh and saltwater. Textured with a Volcano Grip pattern, the molded fiberglass reinforced nylon (FRN) handle is offered in black or visible marine yellow. It's equipped with a reversible left/right hand titanium pocket clip (also non-rusting) that positions the folder tip-up in the pocket. We recommend threading a thong or cord through the lanyard hole for back-up retention around water, where once dropped, a knife is often lost or irretrievable.
此款TASMAN 塔斯曼系列刀具,名字来源于世界十大著名海洋的TASMAN SEA 塔斯曼海,它位于新西兰以西,澳大利亚以东,以多风暴而闻名。塔斯曼折刀其实专为潜水/海洋/航行等需要绝对耐腐蚀的刀具行业而设计的一款特殊钢材的刀具。刀刃形状源于传统捕鱼工业,这种弯形刀刃能很快很有效地切断可及范围内的绳子、渔线或渔网。弧形刀刃能保持切割的东西不从刀尖上滑走。增大切割长度。而采用的蜘蛛专利的鲨鱼齿刃的全齿设计,则增加了切割能力,锯齿刃有着比传统平刃更强大的切割能力,曾有统计,锯齿刃的切割能力是传统平刃的40倍!值得一提的是,这款刀具采用的是H-1钢,这种钢材号称永不生锈,不但能耐受海水腐蚀,同时耐高温。这种钢材在钢材冶炼的过程中,在真空条件下充入大量的氮元素来替换出钢材中的碳元素,由于没有了碳元素,使得这种钢材在具有极好的硬度的同时,具备了绝对的耐腐蚀性。不论海水,淡水,果汁还是肉酱,都不会生锈。采用经典背锁设计,使您能很结实地握住刀,而不会偶然打开刀锁。手柄采用黄色FRN材质,轻质,坚固,手柄上有防滑纹理,保证使用时不会滑落。而黄色不论是在野外,还是水下,都是极为醒目的颜色,如果意外掉落,可以非常容易的找到,另外,黄色也是海水中鲨鱼讨厌的颜色,用黄色作为手柄,还可以起到一定程度的防止鲨鱼攻击的用途。
