品 牌 |
SPYDERCO 蜘蛛 (官网地址:www.spyderco.com ) |
型 号 |
# C152STIBLP "CHAPARRAL STEPPED TITANIUM BLUE" “灌木丛”绅士折刀 独一雕花系列之 阶梯纹路雕花,配蓝色阳极氧化处理 |
产 地 |
Made in TAIWAN 台湾制造 |
全 长 |
162 mm |
刃 长 |
71 mm |
切割刃长 |
59 mm |
刀刃钢材 |
表面处理 |
Satin finish 缎面处理 |
钢材硬度 |
60-61 HRC |
手柄材质 |
Titanium STEPPED Blue 钛金属材质,表面为阶梯纹路雕花处理,表面亮蓝色阳极氧化处理 |
刀刃厚度 |
2 mm |
重量 |
77 克 |
锁定方式 |
Lockback 背锁 |
类 型 |
其他特点 |
附带可以左右互换位置的钢制口袋夹 |
官网售价 |
564.95美元,不含关税及运费 |
警 告 :未 成 年 人 请 勿 购 买!本 品 仅 供 收 藏!

Chaparral Blue Stepped Titanium C152STIB
Spyderco's unique Chaparral series uses a highly refined gentleman’s folder design as a canvas to highlight distinctive handle materials and texture patterns. The Blue Stepped Titanium version is the most ambitious Chaparral to date, featuring solid titanium scales meticulously CNC-machined to produce a breathtaking “stepped” pattern. Composed entirely of straight lines, this amazing pattern creates the illusion of curves and detailed geometric shapes, as well as adding texture to the handle. Partway through the machining process, the scales are color anodized a brilliant blue before they are machined again. The result is a spectacular contrast of alternating blue and silver steps that further accentuates the exacting detail of the design. This painstaking process produces only 12 sets of scales per day and is the most time-intensive manufacturing procedure used on any Spyderco knife.
One of the most exquisitely crafted folding knives ever made, the Blue Stepped Titanium Chaparral features a full-flat-ground CTS XHP stainless steel blade, a sturdy back lock mechanism, and a reversible deep-pocket wire clip that supports ambidextrous tip-up carry.
蜘蛛独一无二的“灌木丛”系列折刀,是由蜘蛛公司的创始人,也是蜘蛛公司的总裁SAL Glesser 亲自设计的一款高质量,非常精致的绅士折刀。Chaparral本是一种原产自美国西部的灌木,最大的特点是拥有超强的生命力,即使是遭到干旱或火灾后也能恢复生长。这个特点也是蜘蛛所关注了,并以此为其最新的绅士系列折刀来命名。此款由蜘蛛的创始人SAL先生亲自操刀设计,优雅的外观和强大的功能性让"灌木林"系列在绅士折刀中罕有竞争者。此款为“灌木丛”系列折刀中的独一雕花系列。刀身钢材选用CTS XHP粉末不锈钢制造,这种钢材据生产厂家介绍,同时拥有如440C钢材般的耐锈蚀能力和D2钢般的耐磨损能力,同时,由于采用了真空粉末冶炼工艺,使得钢材结晶散布更均匀;刀身表面为拉丝缎面处理,保留了金属纹理,细腻的同时兼顾粗犷感;而这款雕花系列的手柄是最值得称道的,它采用CNC精密数控立体切割而成,表面为立体造型的阶梯纹路图案,在图案上分布有不同的色块,这些色块都是亮蓝色的阳极氧化处理;据生产厂家介绍,由于此款雕花系列采用极为复杂的制造工艺,一天最多只能制造12套这样的手柄,也就是一天最多生产12把雕花系列的折刀!由于蜘蛛公司一贯对产品品质要求严格,故每一款雕花系列产品,都可以说是一款绝美的艺术品!作为绅士折刀,口袋夹部分采用钢丝制造,更显低调和沉稳;而手柄预留的口袋夹位置,不论是左右手都可以随意更换;由于采用蜘蛛专利的圆孔开启方式,所以,不论是徒手,还是带着厚厚的手套,不论您是右手还是左撇子,都可以单手开启/闭合自如。随刀附带一个原厂高级收纳包!方便您收纳您的爱刀!
CTS-XHP 钢材介绍:
CTS-XHP钢是Carpenter公司推出的基于440系列钢材研发的空冷粉末不锈钢。Carpenter自己说CTS-XHP可以被看做是高硬度的440C或者不锈钢版的D2。 根据Carpenter的官方介绍,CTS-XHP的空冷最大硬度(as quenched)在64.5HRC左右。当CTS-XHP与440C以相近的热处理流程时,440C的硬度是58.5,而CTS-XHP的硬度是62.5。经过适当的热处理,CTS-XHP可以同时具备440C级别的防锈能力和D2级别的耐磨水平。是一款性能优异的粉末不锈钢。
About Spyderco
Greetings from Golden, Colorado.
Since starting Spyderco we've been told our knives are different, peculiar, even out there. All true. Thinking beyond established knife industry barriers allowed us to introduce new and radical innovations to the knife culture including: One-hand opening, serrations on a folder and a clip to attach a knife to a pocket. We didn't go into business to rake in a mountain of dough we're here for more selfish reasons- indulging our passion for creating knives. Spyderco is definitely out of the norm in the knife industry in our dedication to researching and developing fresh, improved and better performing materials all with function and reliability being key. Someone once said to Sal Glesser, Spyderco's owner, "You must design in the dark because your knives look so strange." True again. Our recognizable appearance is a result of designing ergonomic functional tools rather than applying lipstick and nylons to a pocketknife. We may look curious, homely, whatever, but we'll never be called unusable or undependable. Making knives that consistently deliver reliable high-performance requires an ongoing commitment to testing. In our million-dollar testing facility we examine edge retention with a CATRA machine, look for rust development with Q-FOG, check the force needed to open and close a knife. We also repeatedly test for stress, wear, optimal heat-treating and actively search for higher quality, performance enhancing steels and materials. As a customer you probably don't think about this, or much care, but it allows us to put forth a promise. When you purchase a Spyderco you are buying a high-quality reliable cutting tool designed and manufactured for peak performance and ergonomic comfort. Those Who Know Carry Spyderco.
Respectfully Yours,
The Glesser Family and the Spyderco Crew
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