品 牌 |
ZERO TOLERANCE ZT 零误差(官网:www.ztknives.com) |
型 号 |
#0392 "Rick Hinderer & ZT Limited Edition" 0392全球1000支限量版折刀
产 地 |
MADE IN USA 美国制造 |
全 长 |
20.8 cm |
闭合长度 |
11.9 cm |
刀刃长度 |
8.9 cm |
刀刃钢材 |
CTS 204P CTS-04P粉末不锈钢 |
刀刃硬度 |
60~61 HRC |
刀刃厚度 |
4 mm |
表面处理 |
Bronze Gold pvd finish & satin finish 古铜金色处理+钢本色拉丝处理,双重表面处理 |
手柄材质 |
Titanium, Bronze Gold PVD finish 钛金属材质,表面古铜金色阳极氧化处理。镀金螺丝。 |
重量 |
170 克 |
锁定方式 |
REEVE一体框架锁,配可更换补偿系统。 附带KVT轴承主轴 |
设计者 |
Rick Hinderer |
官网价格 |
--- |
限 制 |
未成年人请勿购买,仅供收藏用! |
Zero Tolerance 0392 Limited Edition:
We have sold our allotment of ZT 0392 Factory Custom knives. Thank you for your interest.
Riding in on a wave of fanatical enthusiasm is the ZT/Rick Hinderer 0392 Factory Custom knife. It's the first of its kind from Zero Tolerance, a knife that utilizes ZT's manufacturing excellence in tandem with custom parts from the knife designer.
The ZT 0392 folder, designed by Rick Hinderer, utilizes a premium titanium handle and CTS-204P stainless steel blade, both of which feature the Hinderer 'working' finish. Build quality is exceptional; ZT's KVT ball-bearing pivot provides superb action in conjunction with the flipper opener and lockup is spot on. All of the titanium hardware found on the 0392 knife is custom made by Rick Hinderer and cool blue anodized. Each 0392 comes with its own Certificate of Authenticity from Zero Tolerance and Rick Hinderer.
For those who wish to take their 0392 to the next level, Hinderer Knives will be producing after-market hardware.
0392 Custom Hardware by Rick Hinderer •Steel pivot screw
•Titanium tube spacers
•Titanium handle screws
•Titanium clip
•Titanium filler tab
We will only accept online orders for this knife, no phone/email orders will be accepted. Due to the high demand for this knife, customers are limited to just one (1) knife per household and/or credit card. Anyone who attempts to purchase more than one ZT 0392 will have their order(s) cancelled. Thank you for your cooperation.
此款0392限量版折刀,是著名的战术刀定制大师:RICK HINDERER负责设计,与著名战术刀品牌ZT合作生产的一款限量版折刀。属于ZT产品系列的工厂定制系列产品,其中,RICK HINDERER负责产品的设计,与手柄部分,螺丝等的制作;ZT负责主刀的制作,是当代手工的极致与机器的精密相结合的代表作。
ZT是 "Zero Tolerance" 的缩写,意为「零误差」。這個品牌名称诉求产品在设计方面、制造过程与功能应用方面,都达到「零誤差、零缺失」的完美境界。由于有着手工版的做工品质,ZT一经问世,便很快在刀具界异军突起。
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