品牌 |
型号 |
#0350SWCF "SpeedSafe® assisted " 0350碳纤维柄 "极速-助力快开" 战术 折刀
产地 |
MADE IN USA 美国制造 |
全长 |
19.3 cm |
闭合长度 |
11.7 cm |
刀刃钢材 |
S30V 粉末钢 |
刀刃长度 |
8.3 cm |
刀刃硬度 |
58~60 HRC |
刀刃厚度 |
3mm |
表面处理 |
stonewashed finish 刀刃表面石洗处理 |
手柄材质 |
Carbon fiber 碳纤维柄 |
开启方式 |
SpeedSafe® assisted opening system 极速助力快开系统 |
锁定方式 |
Liner lock 内衬锁 |
重 量 |
173 克 |
官网价格 |
230美元,不包含运费及关税 |
限 制 |
未成年人请勿购买,仅供收藏用! |

Zero Tolerance 0350SWCF:
The 0350 is hands-down, one of the most popular ZTs ever—and with good reason. From fast and easy assisted opening to a secure liner lock and premium S30V blade steel, the 0350 packs a lot of features into a size many users prefer, especially for an EDC.
But sometimes, a guy's got to put on a suit. And that’s when he needs the 0350SWCF with its über-classy carbon fiber handle scales and stonewashed blade. The S30V stainless steel blade offers durability, corrosion resistance, and wear resistance. Stonewashing gives the blade a textured, matte look. Carbon fiber handle scales, both front and back, provide a sophisticated look and a smooth feel. The 0350SWCF opens quickly with the patented SpeedSafe® assisted opening system; just use the ambidextrous flipper to open the knife with ease. Zero Tolerance's quad-mounting system enables all-position pocket carry, too.
With its sleek carbon fiber handles and stonewashed blade, the new 0350SWCF is a built-tough ZT that’s at home on the worksite or out on the town.
ZT零误差公司出品的0350型号是最受ZT迷喜欢的款式之一,这款0350SWCF 碳纤维-石洗特别版,是在零误差公司听取广大ZT迷的诉求,他们日常并不需要一款黑色涂层的,而更想要钢本色的,更适合日常使用,因此,零误差推出了这款钢本色石洗处理的 0350SWCF。主刀同样采用S30V顶级钢材制作,但经过了石洗处理,更耐磨;更适合日常使用;采用黑色碳纤维手柄,内有双钢衬,保证足够的强度;采用ZT专利的 SPEEDSAFE 极速助力快开系统,只要单手推动刀刃超过20度以后,在辅助助力系统的作用下,剩下的部分自动弹开。
ZT是 "Zero Tolerance" 的缩写,意为「零误差」。這個品牌名称诉求产品在设计方面、制造过程与功能应用方面,都达到「零誤差、零缺失」的完美境界。由于有着手工版的做工品质,ZT一经问世,便很快在刀具界异军突起。