品 牌 |
SPYDERCO 蜘蛛 (官网地址:https://www.spyderco.com/) |
型 号 |
C11SBK DELICA 4 FRN Spyder Edge 得利卡4代 全齿刃折刀 |
产 地 |
全 长 |
181mm |
闭合长度 |
108 mm |
刃 长 |
65 mm |
钢 材 |
VG-10 |
钢材硬度 |
58-60 HRC |
切割刃长度 |
65mm |
手柄材质 |
FRN 玻璃尼龙增强纤维,内附双钢衬 |
刃 厚 |
2.5mm |
重 量 |
71克 |
背 锁 |
类型 |
可选款式 |
全齿 |
官网价格 |
MSRP:126美元,不含运费及关税 |


In 1990 Spyderco shook things up by introducing two knives, the Delica and Endura. First of their kind on the market, both folders opened up the knife market to lightweight performance, one-hand open pocketknives that just about everyone could afford. They settled as Spyderco’s top two bestsellers and their improvement hasn’t slowed since. Refinement has been so ongoing and continual Spyderco tagged the updating/upgrading process with the term CQI- Constant Quality Improvement. During the Endura and Delica’s CQI journey Spyderco tweaked ergonomics, refined blade steels and fine-tuned their performance countless times. They are an evolutionary work in progress and the next level is here with the new Endura4 and Delica4. Both models now have screw construction making cleaning and adjusting easier. The fiberglass reinforced nylon handles come molded with Bi-Directional Texturing® for preferred traction and improved ergonomics. Inside the handle dual skeletonized stainless steel liners make the knife stronger without adding weight and make an anchor for all external and internal components to attach through adding sturdiness and rigidity. Their VG-10 blades are flat saber-ground with a stronger tip and larger 13mm opening hole. Added to the blade’s spine is slip resistant jimping. Phosphor bronze washers smooth out the open/close action and the clip is upgraded to a four-way tip-up, tip-down, left- or right-handed clip.
Spyderco 公司在上世纪90年代出品的 Delica 与 Endura 两款经典折刀,重点在强调体积小、重量轻,易于使用;单手便能开合。Spyderco 公司将 刀身改以VG-10钢材打造,刀柄使用质轻耐用的玻璃纤维强化尼龙塑造;表面有凹凸纹路,使用时可握得更稳。刀柄侧边的腰带夹可用硬币松开,并且依使用习惯移到另一面装上。
C11最著名当属在美国电影《偷天陷阱》中,著名影星 凯瑟琳·泽塔·琼斯 从高楼跃入房间中,展开全齿的C11 轻松割下著名的美术作品的镜头了 可见全齿的锋利度远超过平刃。另外在美国电影《绝岭雄风》和《十万火急》中,著名影响 希尔维斯特·史泰龙 使用的全齿C11,瞬间割断登山绳的镜头,都堪称经典! 身为蜘蛛迷,拥有一个全齿的蜘蛛刀,是一件非常让人激动的事情,因为它不仅是一把刀,更是一个传奇。
SPYDERCO另一强大优势就是它选用的钢材,它们从不用那些低成本、低性能的420或425系列的钢材。而它选用的钢材有AUS系列、ATS系列、440系列以及VG系列,甚至制刀界中的顶极材料CPM440V都是它们的常用材料。在美国Spyderco被称为“标准创立者(Standard Setter)”创新的设计,精良的选材,完美的工艺。