品 牌 |
型 号 |
C41PSBBK "Native Black Blade "
本土 黑色半齿刃折刀 |
产 地 |
美国 |
全 长 |
178 mm |
闭合长度 |
100 mm |
刀刃长 |
80 mm |
切割刃长 |
67 mm |
刀刃钢材 |
S30V 附带黑色消光涂层 |
硬度 |
59-60 HRC |
手柄材质 |
FRN(玻璃尼龙纤维) |
刀刃厚度 |
3 mm |
重量 |
75.2 克 |
背锁 |
类型 |
可选款式 |
半齿组合型刀刃 |
官网价格 |
139.95美元 不包含运费及关税 |

Spyderco Native FRN Black Blade
Engineered for the human hand, the Native's ergonomic design maximizes cutting ability while minimizing discomfort and fatigue. This model is all about combining performance and comfort. Since the portion of the knife most in contact with the user is the handle, that became key while the model was in initial development on the drawing table.
We've created a handle pattern with two separate finger choils. The first choil (where the blade and handle meet) allow positioning the index finger closer to the knife's sharpened edge for control over the cutting surface. Behind the first choil, the second positions the hand farther back on the folder for dexterous cutting while pushing the blade away from you. Bi-Directional Texturing molded into the FRN handle form varying levels of steps minimizing forward or backward sliding.
Carved out of the locking lever is a David Boye Dent insuring the lock remains safely engaged even when gripping the handle forcefully. A section of non-sharpened serrations line the blade's spine yield an additional slip resistant point for the thumb. The blade itself is hollow-ground CPM S30V steel with a weight reducing swedge ground from the spine. A black steel tip-up clip can be placed ambidextrously on both sides of the handle via a barrel-shaped screw that doubles as a lanyward.
Made in Golden, Colorado U.S.A. Earth
这款C41PSBBK NATIVE 半齿型号,采用了顶级的S30V超级粉末钢,硬度达到惊人的58-61HRC。可能是所有S30V钢材里,性价比最高的一款了。此款在美国科罗拉多金城制造。
“Native” 本土系列 是Spyderco公司评价极高的产品。所有Native刀款的特色,在于由刀头延伸至握柄尾端呈一弯弧线的造型,使刀刃的尾端至前端由厚实渐渐缩至尖锐,如此能让使用者更有效率地进行穿刺的动作!刀刃上的圆孔不仅可单手迅速开启刀刃,并减少整体重量、增加平衡能力。

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