Spyderco 蜘蛛 C11FPBLM "DELICA4 BLUE NLEOMF"美国国家执法者法律博物馆 蓝色手柄C11 VG-10钢+大平磨 蓝色特别纪念版 () LionSteel钢狮(意大利)SR11BB BlackWash 2017美国刀展年度双重冠军奖项型号 SR11黑色石洗特别版 全钛手柄+SELIPNER钢 IKBS轴承开启+专利锁定 ()
美国国家执法官法律博物纪念馆蓝色手柄纪念版C11产地 SEKI CITY,JAPAN 日本制造 全长 181 mm 闭合长度 108 mm 刀刃长 73 mm 刀刃钢材 VG-10 钢材硬度 58-60 HRC 切割刃长度 65mm 手柄材质 蓝色FRN(玻璃尼龙纤维强化) 刀刃厚度 2.5mm 重量 64克 LOCK 背锁 类型 EDC 可选款式 平刃 参考价格 114.95美元(不含运费及税)
Spyderco Delica4 Blue National Law Enforcement Officer Museum Foundation:
In the year 2000, the United States Congress and President Bill Clinton authorized the establishment of a National Law Enforcement Museum in Washington, D.C. The goal of this museum is to tell the story of American law enforcement through exhibits, collections, research and education. Designed as a natural extension of the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial, it will be the largest and most comprehensive museum to honor the duty and sacrifice of America's law enforcement officers. Building and exhibit designs for the museum are currently in progress and countless artifacts are being collected and catalogued to document the contributions and accomplishments of our nation's law enforcement officers.
To support this worthy cause and to continue to do our part to honor our country's law enforcement personnel, Spyderco is proud to offer a special edition of our popular Delica knife. The Commemorative National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Foundation Delica features a blue handle and a laser-engraved logo of the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Foundation (NLEOMF), the organization responsible for both the memorial and museum projects.
Spyderco will donate a portion of the sales of every commemorative Delica to the NLEOMF to support the museum project. The museum is currently scheduled to open in late 2013. For more information on this project, the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial and related programs and events, please visit the NLEOMF web site at www.nleomf.org.
此款C11蓝色手柄特别纪念版,是为了纪念美国执法官法律博物纪念馆成立而特别生产的纪念版的C11折刀。在2000年,美国国会和当时的美国总统比尔·克林顿通过决议,决定建立这座博物馆,以此纪念美国众多执法者为国家作出的贡献,通过建立博物馆,来向美国公众展示美国执法的成就和历史。蜘蛛公司很荣幸的被选为生产此款纪念这刀的公司,手柄颜色为蓝色,在刀刃的一侧激光印刷美国执法博物馆的英文字母。 每一支纪念版的C11的销售金额都有一部分将捐赠到此博物馆,用来完善博物馆的建设等。更多信息,您也可以浏览官网 www.nleomf.org 了解更多信息。
SPYDERCO另一强大优势就是它选用的钢材,它们从不用那些低成本、低性能的420或425系列的钢材。而它选用的钢材有AUS系列、ATS系列、440系列以及VG系列,甚至制刀界中的顶极材料CPM440V都是它们的常用材料。在美国Spyderco被称为“标准创立者(Standard Setter)”创新的设计,精良的选材,完美的工艺。
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