品牌 |
型号 |
产地 |
台湾 |
全长 |
207 mm |
闭合长度 |
117 mm |
刀刃长 |
89 mm |
切割刃长度 |
85 mm |
刀刃钢材 |
CPM S30V 粉末冶炼S30V钢 |
钢材硬度 |
60-61 HRC |
手柄材质 |
棕色G10 内附双钢衬。 |
刀刃厚度 |
4.5 mm |
重量 |
142克 |
锁定方式 |
Walker LinerLock 专利内衬锁 |
类型 |
折刀 |
可选款式 |
平刃 |
官网售价 |
319.95美元,不含关税及运费 |


2014年价格 全系均涨价10美元左右

The Nilakka was designed by award-winning Finnish knifemaker Pekka Tuominen. Tuominen is one of the world’s most knowledgeable experts on the traditional Finnish puukko knife and one of only seven puukkoseppamestari, or “master bladesmiths” certified by the Finnish Ministry of Education. He is an expert at all aspects of bladesmithing and knifemaking and takes great pride in personally crafting every detail of his knives and sheaths. He is also a winner of numerous puukko-making competitions and a member of both the Scandinavian Knifemaker’s Guild and the Finnish Knife Association. Spyderco is honored to work with this incredibly talented craftsman and to share his designs through our products.
The Nilakka is the result of Spyderco’s longstanding quest to translate the traditional Finnish puukko to a modern folding knife. In the spirit of the other knives in Spyderco’s Ethnic Series—and based on the success of Tuominen’s FB28 fixed-blade Puukko design—Spyderco asked him to express the critical qualities of the classic puukko in a folder. Through a collaborative exchange and a number of prototype revisions, the knife gradually evolved into its final form.
The Nilakka’s handle is built on a framework of full-length stainless steel liners that also provide the structure for its Walker LinerLock® mechanism. The liners are joined by a stainless steel back spacer and covered with machined G-10 scales that create the distinctive diamond-shaped cross section that is a hallmark of traditional puukko design. Bead blasted to ensure a secure grip, the scales are extremely ergonomic and allow easy orientation of the edge by tactile sense.
Made from premium CPM S30V stainless steel, the Nilakka’s blade features full-flat-ground bevels that flow smoothly into a zero-ground cutting edge. This unique form of Scandinavian-style (“Scandi”) grind offers exceptional edge geometry for superior low-drag cutting performance. It is accented by a subtle swedge on the spine of the blade and Spyderco’s Trademark Round Hole. In the closed position, the blade is almost completely contained within the handle and the Round Hole nests in a scalloped recess in the obverse scale. This makes the knife extremely trim, yet still allows it to be easily opened with one hand.
A butt-mounted deep-pocket clip supports right-side, tip-up carry, and makes the Nilakka a true “pocket puukko” that is ideal for everyday carry.
Drawing its name from one of the largest and most beautiful lakes in Finland, the Nilakka is a truly extraordinary folding knife that seamlessly combines form, function, and ages-old Finnish tradition into a stylish, modern cutting tool.
此款蜘蛛C164-Nilakka折刀,是由屡获殊荣的芬兰著名刀匠 Pekka Tuominen根据芬兰传统猎熊刀Puukko设计。设计师Pekka Tuominen不但是芬兰刀匠协会认证会员和制刀大师,同时也是众多刀具比赛的冠军得主,不但设计刀具同时在刀具的制作领域也具有极其丰富的经验。NILAKKA的原型是芬兰传统猎熊刀 PUUKKO,在此基础上改进设计而来的。设计简洁明快,制作精良,手柄造型采用独创的钻石型切割面,外侧为G10材质,内侧为双钢衬,坚固耐用;值得一提的是此款的刀刃部分,钢材采用的是CPM S30V,粉末S30V钢,此钢具有更好的硬度和韧性,开锋则采用了左右5°的极幼开锋,这在量产刀里是很少见到的,因为这种加工难度比传统20-40°开锋要更困难,精度要求更高。成本也随之提升。开刃造型选用Scandinavian-style斯坎迪纳维亚方式,大平磨,具有更好的切割力。同时,在刀身上开有标志性的蜘蛛圆孔,可以单手开启和闭合,非常顺滑。尾部配有一个口袋夹,不论是左右手都可以适用。整刀闭合之后,是一个整体,不会显得很突兀。不得不佩服大师级的设计师,把所有细节都考虑进去。另外值得一提的是,此刀的开合调教的恰到好处。而此款刀的名字 NILAKKA 是芬兰最大,最美的湖的名字。 蜘蛛公司非常荣幸的能和这位传奇的刀匠合作,蜘蛛公司创始人曾经评价此款NILAKKA是一个真正的非凡的折叠刀,所开创的无缝折刀形式,将传统和现代巧妙的融合为一体。
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