品牌 |
LionSteel 钢狮(意大利) |
型号 |
SR2 V Mini |
产地 |
意大利 |
全长 |
18 cm |
闭合长度 |
10.3 cm |
刀刃长 |
7.8 cm |
刀刃钢材 |
SLEIPNER Uddeholm Sweden
瑞典一胜百公司Sleipner粉末钢 |
钢材硬度 |
60-61 HRC |
刀刃厚度 |
4 mm |
手柄材质 |
Titanium 6Al4V
表面处理 |
拉丝处理 |
重量 |
约140克 |
设计者 |
Molletta design |
类型 |
水滴型刀刃 |
锁定方式 |
一体框架锁,附带锁定保险 |

As promised here we have opened the possibility to reserve the first SR2 MINI.
It is a monolithic Titanium frame with a frame-lock system, like his big brother SR1. The handle is made starting from a solid block of Titanium.
The blade is made of SLEIPNER Uddeholm Sweden.
SR2MINI, fratello più piccolo del modello SR1
Blade/Lama: Sleipner
Blade/Lama: 78 mm, 4 mm thikness/spessore
Body/Manico: Titanio 6Al4V
Overall/Totale: 180 mm
Weigh/Pesot: 140 Gr
Price: 290.00 EURO
Price: € 290.00
Total bookings: 24 (limite: 200) - view bookings
Booking deadline: 2013-06-30 scaduto
Payment deadline: 2013-06-30 scaduto
Estimated delivery: 2013-06-30
LionSteel 狮子品牌是一家来自意大利的年轻刀厂,有一支年轻富有创新的团队,所设计的作品个性独特,采用最先进的数控加工技术,设计并开发了一系列堪称经典的款式。
此款SR2是2013年最新款,在狮子最经典的款式 SR1上改进而来,由于SR1的尺寸比较大,很多客户反映希望LIONSTEEL公司可以开发一款长度比SR1要小的折刀,更适合日常使用,因此,LIONSTEEL团队经过重新设计,制作出了此款SR2 MINI,小号版SR1折刀,整刀尺寸打开后只有18厘米,更适合日常使用。刀刃钢材采用瑞典一胜百钢铁公司研发的Sleipner工具钢制造,此款钢材,具有比D2钢更好的硬度,更耐磨,韧性更好,保持性也优于D2,M2等钢材。由于制作成本较高,通常此款钢材只用来制作加工精密仪器的工具。手柄采用64AL钛金属,一体切削制造而成,即在制作手柄的时候,是由一整块钛金属,经过数控机床精密切割而成的一个整体,而非是两块金属拼接而成,故生产成本比较高,但是整体的强度要大于拼接的手柄,值得一提的是,手柄上那个圆形旋钮,除了作为装饰很好看外,其实是一个狮子专利的锁定装置,当顺时针旋转之后,折刀的锁定打开,此时即变成了一款如直刀般坚固的折刀,而逆时针旋转,即可解开锁定,正常闭合开启。 此款SR2 MINI 目前是限量发售!
Michele Pensato - aka ‘molletta’, his nickname in Italian – is a very active designer with years of experience. His previous life as an excursion lover and a passion for archaeology had him spending most of his experiences in the great outdoors, where he soon got to understand how a great knife should really be and what it should be capable of achieving. He led the Nexus production group and the group that was created at the MCKF Forum. A keen student of the steel industry, he stands out for his new approach to the use of materials and experimentation in thermal treatment applications.
An advanced user of design software such as Catià, Solidworks, Inventor, he applies FEA to design and aims to create yet more solid and innovative products.
此款SR2 MINI主要特点:
● 有两个推刀钮,不论左右手均可单手可开启闭合,采用一体框架锁系统。
● 刃材选用瑞典一胜百公司的Sleipnerl钢,具有极好的硬度和保持性。
● 手柄为64AL阳极氧化处理钛金属手柄,一体切削而成。
● 配有口袋夹,口袋夹上有破窗系统。随刀附带工具一个。
● 配有狮子专利的锁定装置。
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