品 牌: Eickhorn-Solingen (德国)
型 号: USM9刺刀(改良型)
全 长: 30.5 cm
刀 长: 17.2 cm
刃 材: 55Si7 钢
硬 度: 51-53 HRC
表 面: 黑色涂层
刃 厚: 3.8 mm
柄 长: 13 cm
柄 材:绿色强化玻璃纤维
重 量: 300g
刀 套: 绝缘尼龙,配剪切口。
产 地: 德国·索林根
Bajonett KCB 77 M1-LE
Product no.: 800101
OES and Nederlandsche Wapen en Munitiefabriek jointly developed the KCB for the American Stoner-assault rifle, standard issue to US Navy Seals. The blade and wire cutter design were adapted to the Russian Kalashnikov bayonet. The fibreglass enforced grip was adapted to the cross guard of the assault rifle. NATO Forces retained the KCB77M1 as standard issue, adapted to the Steyr AUG assault Rifle. NOTE: The renowned bayonet, model KCB77M1 will be discontinued. OES will make available a limited number of numbered units for collectors. Overall length: 30.2 cm Blade length: 17.6 cm Blade thickness: 3.6 mm Weight: 300 g Steel: 55Si7 (HRC 51-53)