品 牌: Cold Steel 冷钢
型 号: 10ALC "COUNTER POINT 1" “针锋相对” 双刃折刀
全 长: 22.86 cm
刀 长: 10.16 cm
刃 材: 日本产AUS-8A不锈钢
硬 度: 57-58HRC
刃 厚: 3.5 mm
表 面: 缎面处理
柄 长: 12.7 cm
柄 材: GRIV-EX
重 量: 133 g
产 地: 美国品牌,在台湾基地制造

The Counter ® series:
When Cold Steel began to develop a new series of tactical folding knives there was one aim in mind; to take the knowledge gleaned from our many years of experience in creating some of the world's finest boot knives and refine it into a truly formidable folder. The Counter Point series represents the culmination of that research and development.
Available in three blade sizes (3", 4" and 6") their stiletto inspired spear point blades have a distinctively pronounced false edge and a lustrous satin finish, combining to make a blade that not only looks great, but delivers a show stopping performance! Cutting and piercing with equal ease, the Counter Point is both a functional and attractive EDC (Every Day Carry) knife and a steadfast resource in any rescue or emergency situation.
The expertly designed handle simply has to be felt to be believed. Lightweight, but incredibly strong – made from GRIV-EX, a super plastic pioneered by Cold Steel, and reinforced with heat treated aluminum liners – the handle is comfortable and secure in almost any grip imaginable! Strong, light, versatile, concealable and above all functional, the Counter Point series takes the best features of a quality boot knife and redefines the potential of a high performance folder.
The new Counter Point XL raises the stakes even higher! Providing enormous bang for the buck, the giant Counter Point XL looms over many of our competitor's meager offerings. With 6" of razor sharp, needle tipped Japanese AUS8A steel and our world renowned TRI-AD lock, it's a huge knife, condensing a vast amount of cutting power into a surprisingly lightweight, comfortable and concealable package.Cold Steel
美国冷钢"COUNTER POINT1" 中文译为“针锋相对”,采用经典双刃型设计,钢材采用日本产AUS-8A优质不锈钢制作,刃厚3.5毫米,性能十分优异;握柄部份采用人体工程学设计加上冷钢总结的实用格斗技巧,不论是正握还是反握,还是换手,都会十分的得心应手;Cold Steel专利TRI-AD Lock锁定,使得折刀具有直刀般的坚固。