品牌 |
Spyderco 蜘蛛 |
型号 |
产地 |
TAIWAN 台湾制造 |
全长 |
162 mm |
闭合长度 |
92 mm |
刀刃长 |
71 mm |
切割刃长 |
58 mm |
刀刃钢材 |
CPM S30V 粉末钢 |
钢材硬度 |
58-60 HRC |
刀刃厚度 |
2 mm |
重量 |
70 g |
手柄材质 |
碳纤维和G10混合材质 |
设计者 |
类型 |
平刃, 绅士折刀 |
其他 |
配有双向可调口袋夹 |
锁定方式 |
背锁 |

Chaparral is a shrub native to the Western United States with the unique ability to perennially survive, revive and regenerate after being destroyed by drought or fire. Like a season it returns year after year. It's also what Spyderco calls a new and continuing series of gentlemen's folders.
Mid-sized Chaparral folders will have identical blade and handle profiles but showcase variant handle materials. Handle options will be chosen for their elegant appearance and functional utility with a focus directed at making the Chaparral series unique as well as a serious contender in the gent's knife genre. Possibly Spyderco's thinnest, lightest mid-sized CLIPIT yet, the debut Chaparral has a carbon fiber/G-10 laminate handle with a mid-positioned back lock and screw-together construction.
Attached to the ultra-slim handle, a left-right, tip-up clip arranges the knife deeply inside a pocket. Crucible Steel Inc. of New York produces the CPM S30V powdered steel used for the leaf-shaped blade. The blade is ground full-flat and offered PlainEdged for the best available cutting performance with non-skid jimping located at both the spine and choil.
C152CFP"Chaparral "中文译名是“灌木丛”,是生长在美国西部地区的本地植物,具有超强的耐干旱和生长能力,即使在遭受丛林大火之后,也可以恢复生长,具有“野火烧不尽,春风吹又生”的顽强毅力。这也是蜘蛛为什么叫给这款刀命名为Chaparral的原因。此款C152CFP的尺寸可以定义为绅士折刀,优雅的外形和中等身材,即使装在口袋里,也显得是那么温文尔雅,但其性能却异常强悍:采用CPM S30V粉末钢作为主刀,手柄采用碳纤维和G10的混合材质,具有超轻,超坚固的特性,而握上去则非常的顺滑;而手柄内则配有双钢衬,更加强了手柄的强度;采用背锁结构,同时刃上打有蜘蛛标志性的开刀孔,可以单手开启和闭合,配有可左右移动的口袋夹,不论左右手人士均可单手操作。独特的口袋夹,甚至可以方便的夹在上衣口袋里。采用大平磨方式开刃,秉承了蜘蛛锋利迅猛的特点。另外,还有钛金属手柄,刃材为CTS-XHP的C152TIP可选择、