品牌 |
Spyderco 蜘蛛 |
型号 |
产地 |
TAIWAN 台湾制造 |
全长 |
205 mm |
闭合长度 |
119 mm |
刀刃长 |
87 mm |
切割刃长 |
81 mm |
刀刃钢材 |
CPM M-4 粉末高速钢 |
钢材硬度 |
60-62 HRC |
刀刃厚度 |
3 mm |
重量 |
155 g |
手柄材质 |
碳纤维和G10混合材质 |
设计者 |
类型 |
涡轮叶片切割 平刃 |
其他 |
配有四向可调口袋夹 |
锁定方式 |
内衬锁 |

For those not familiar with Gayle Bradley, he produces handmade folders and fixed-blades. He's a Texan who started making custom knives in 1988 and when customers discovered his handmades, his reputation mushroomed, tagging him as a knifemaker who focused on building exceptional knives for hard-use. We believe you will find our Spyderco collaboration impressive not only in its performance abilities but in it's fine appearance as well.
Several years ago Gayle won a BladeSports World Cutting Competition further expanding his reputation by claiming his title with a fixed-blade that plowed through everything including eleven-inches of hanging rope. Bradley knives aren't for fingernail cleaners or showmen but for use down on the ground ' getting gritty and dirty. His first collaboration with a production company we're glad to say is with Spyderco. The C134 Gayle Bradley Folder pulls together his reputational forte; anteing up a hard-use folder design to which Spyderco added an exotic and premium blade steel and an unexpected touch of gentrification.
The blade is hollow-ground satin finished Crucible Steel CPM M4. Original M4 made its good name as a tool steel with high resistance to impact. Crucible's version incorporates their CPM powdered metal manufacturing process with M4 creating a superfine, consistent steel-grain structure heightening its' already impressive impact resistance even more. Its modified drop-point blade also has a weight-reducing swedge located at the spine.
The handle is twill carbon fiber/G-10 laminate with a Michael Walker LinerLock for safe, secure lock up while adding a refined, gentlemanly appearance. Inside are two full-length internal liners adding rigidity to the handle that has screw- together construction for adjustments or cleaning. A four-way hourglass clip lets you choose to carry the folder; tip-up/tip-down, left/right handed.
C134CFP是蜘蛛公司与美国著名的独立刀具设计和制作师:Gayle Bradley合作的首款折刀, Gayle Bradley是1988年闻名于美国德州的手工刀匠,他以制作坚固耐用(hard-use)的刀而声名大噪,这款 C134CFP是他与Spyderco公司合作的第一把刀。
Gayle Bradley的作品在美国迅速走红,因为他的刀具给人的印象就是坚固,坚固,还是坚固!他坚持只用最好的材料做最好的刀,因此曾经出现一刀难求的局面。
此款C134CFP折刀用有两大卖点。首先是刀刃使用的CPM-M4高速工具钢。CPM-M4是美国Crucible(坩埚)公司研发的「粉末冶金制造技术 (Crucible Particle Metallurgy, CPM) 」,它是将高合金钢液经由气雾技术,快速固化形成极细微的粉末,然后以高压高热均压 (HlP)后锻造而成。CPM技术可完全清除传统铸造产生之合金偏析与碳化物结晶,热均压后的金属组织在显微镜下观察,呈现的是极细微的颗粒,均匀分布。这种细微组织结构对于金属加工性,研磨性和韧性有极显着功效。最简单的形容就是,在CPM M4钢的任何部位都具有同样的硬度和韧性,不会存在某处硬度不均的情况。因此,此款钢材制作成本比较高,通常用在高端的手工刀上;采用了涡轮叶片的开刃方式,通俗的讲,就是类似于喷气飞机的涡轮叶片,涡轮叶片不是平直的,而是呈现一定弧度的凹陷,这样告诉旋转的时候,可以很小的角度和空气摩擦,此款开刃就是采用涡轮叶片的方式,使得该款折刀具有非常锋利的刃!
刀匠Gayle Bradley是世界切割大赛的创办者,也是前世界冠军。他设计折刀(使用CPM-M4刃材)注重以最小的疲劳换取最大的切割力。为了取得这种效果,他在钢制手柄上加了碳纤维贴片。手柄经圆角处理,无论大力还是长时间握持都不会手痛
值得一提的是,此款C134上的标志,是美国德州的图案,德州人素以独立的冒险精神而闻名,故身为德州著名刀匠的Cayle Bradley将德州图案作为自己的标志,引以为傲!