品 牌 |
Spyderco 蜘蛛 (官网地址:www.spyderco.com) |
型 号 |
C12SBK2 "MATRIARCH 2 FRN" “女王2”鲨鱼齿刃折刀 FRN手柄 |
产 地 |
Made in Seki City, Japan 日本,关市制造。 |
全 长 |
217 mm |
闭合长度 |
126 mm |
刃 长 |
91 mm |
切割刃长 |
83 mm |
钢 材 |
VG-10 |
硬 度 |
58-60 HRC |
刃 厚 |
3 mm |
重 量 |
102 g |
手柄材质 |
FRN 带有双向防滑纹理的玻璃尼龙增强纤维材质。 |
设计者 |
SPYDERCO 蜘蛛原创设计 |
官网价格 |
157.5美元,不含运费及关税。 |
其 他 |
配有四向可调口袋夹 |
限 制 |
本品仅供收藏,未成年人请勿购买! |



The Matriarch2 combines the extraordinary cutting power of our Reverse “S” blade profile and SpyderEdge serrations with the blindingly fast deployment speed of the patented Emerson Opening feature. The result is an amazingly swift and potent cutting tool that is ready for anything.
The original Matriarch was inspired by a request from Spyderco’s South African distributor for a more economical version of our iconic Civilian. The standard Matriarch2 is an evolution of that concept, combining the Civilian’s aggressive blade shape and Reverse “S” edge profile with the lightweight handle construction of the best-selling Endura4 to provide extreme cutting performance in a convenient, lightweight package. By adding an Emerson Opener—a small integral hook on the spine of the blade—the latest version of the Matriarch2 raises the bar even further by offering the ultimate in high-speed deployment. As the knife is drawn from tip-up carry, the Emerson Opener snags on the mouth of the pocket and automatically opens the blade as it clears the pocket. Originally developed by renowned knifemaker Ernest Emerson, Spyderco is licensed to incorporate this remarkable feature into selected Spyderco designs.
Offering completely ambidextrous operation, the Matriarch2 features a four-position clip, a sturdy back lock mechanism, skeletonized stainless steel liners, and a Bi-Directional-Textured™ fiberglass-reinforced-nylon handle.
如果说蜘蛛里最畅销,最经典的是哪款,那无疑是C10 ENDURA 恩杜拉系列,在中国,刀友称呼他为“巅峰战士”,从问世至今,现在已经是第四代了。相信广大蜘蛛迷第一次看到蜘蛛的身影就是在史泰龙主演的电影《巅峰战士》中见到的,史泰龙掏出全齿的蜘蛛,实在是帅呆了! 确实如此,蜘蛛在1990年代刚推出此款C10 ,C11的时候,就迅速在刀具市场占有了一席之地,拥有蜘蛛专利的蜘蛛圆孔开创了单手开启刀具的历史,在折刀上增加了口袋夹,也是蜘蛛的原创;另外值得让人惊讶的是,蜘蛛公司竟然从大自然中的鲨鱼身上获得了灵感,创造了蜘蛛引以为傲的鲨鱼齿技术,众所周知,鲨鱼之所以让人敬畏就是因为鲨鱼拥有一口锋利无比的牙齿,可以轻易咬断缆绳,撕碎任何落入水中的物体,蜘蛛公司正是由此得到启示,开发出了鲨鱼齿的全锯齿刀。蜘蛛的全齿技术可以说是世界上最锋利的锯齿,而且此款技术是蜘蛛的专利,任何公司都不得模仿,正是因为如此,其他公司也陆续开发出自己的齿刃款式,但都没法和蜘蛛的齿刃相比,因为蜘蛛的鲨鱼齿是最锋利的。 此款C10SBK采用VG-10不锈钢制作,性能上接近美产154CM,拥有极佳的硬度和耐腐蚀性,手柄采用蜘蛛经典的FRN材质,超轻,坚固,耐腐蚀;经过改进后的C10,全系都在手柄加了钢衬以增加强度。背锁可以另开启和闭合更加容易。