Spyderco蜘蛛C230GP LIL' NATIVE G-10 BLACK 超小号本土系列折刀 S30V钢制造 钢本色石洗表面处理 黑色G10手柄内附双钢衬 背衬锁(现货)
官網建議價:¥1600Spyderco 蜘蛛 C229GP SHAMAN Compression Lock萨满(本土系列)大号折刀 CPM S30V钢 石洗处理配抛光G10材质手柄加双钢衬专利背衬锁(现货)
官網建議價:¥2600LionSteel钢狮(意大利)SR11BB BlackWash 2017美国刀展年度双重冠军奖项型号 SR11黑色石洗特别版 全钛手柄+SELIPNER钢 IKBS轴承开启+专利锁定 ()
品 牌: COLD STEEL 冷钢 型 号: 58AL "American Lawman"
美国执法者折刀全 长: 20.6 cm 刀 长: 8.89 cm 刃 材: 日本产AUS-8A不锈钢 硬 度: 56-58HRC 刃 厚: 3.5 mm 表 面: Black Tuff-Ex Finish黑色涂层 手柄长度: 11.75 cm 柄 材: 黑色G10 重 量: 153g 产 地: 美国品牌,在台湾基地生产
Being a police officer, deputy sheriff or state trooper is often a thankless job performed under frequently dangerous and trying circumstances. long shifts that change from days, to swing, to graveyard and back again take their toll; not to mention the mediocre pay and missed holidays and celebrations with family and friends. yet our nation’s law enforcement officers continue to tirelessly serve their fellow citizens and provide the “thin blue line” that holds evil at bay and allows us to live in peace and prosperity.
Now cold steel is pleased to give these real american heroes a knife named in their honor and expressly designed to serve them—the American Lawman™. built like a proverbial tank, it's comfortable in the most extreme environments and will shrug off the harshest abuse like water off a duck’s back. this is one super tough knife that can be relied on, even in life or death situations.
The drop point blade is "civilian friendly" in appearance yet big, wide and most importantly, pointed enough for any cutting or piercing task. made from japanese aus 8a stainless steel and hollow ground to a thin, hand-polished edge, it's as sharp as a serpent’s tooth and will easily sever the toughest, most fibrous materials. to further protect it from rust and the constant exposure to inclement weather, it comes with a black, non-reflective Tuff-Ex finish.
Since law enforcement officers never really know what is in store for them from one shift to the next, we thought it was very important to make the American Lawman™'s handle as versatile and user friendly as possible. supplied with dual pocket clips and twin thumb studs, it’s completely ambidextrous and can be opened one-handed in a flash. plus, due to its well thought out finger grooves, it's equally comfortable and effective in either a forward or reverse grip and can be even "choked up on" for tasks requiring extra fine edge or point control.
Keeping a firm grip on their knife when their hands are cold, wet, tired or oily is also a major priority for law enforcement officers. That's why we have equipped these knives with aggressively textured G-10 handle scales. They’re lightweight, enormously strong, and most importantly offer terrific traction to the hand so the skin and flesh of the fingers will stick to them like glue.
Having the lock break on your folder is serious and may result in badly cut fingers. but if the lock fails on a police officer's knife, it could be a genuine disaster and result in loss of life or limb. that's why we have provided each American Lawman™ with our new tri-ad locking mechanism. designed to withstand terrific impact forces and weight loads transferred to it's mechanism from the edge, point and even back of the blade, it has passed with flying colors and never failed even once despite being subjected to the most gruesome torture testing scenarios we could devise.
Cold Steel 推出“美国执法者” 折刀,意在向这些对社会秩序有着若大贡献的公仆们致上敬意。也因为这款折刀是为执法者所设计,从功能、制材到锁定构造,无一不严格要求,以期提供执法者最佳的装备工具。而如今更推出了迷你版"美国执法者" 折刀,体型更为轻巧好携带。刀刃部位使用日本制造的AUS8不锈钢,雨滴型刃采凹磨方式处理,具有宽大的刀腹,最重要的是刀尖非常锋利,无论是穿刺、切割都游刃有余,既便坚轫的纤维织物,都能有效率地割断。这些在紧急状况下,都是一把折刀缺一不可的要素。握柄选用质地较粗的G-10材质,指沟纹更加符合手部线条,无论正握、反手握,都相当稳定;手部若有潮湿、油份或砂石沾染,也不必担心滑手。
这款刀的锁定结构,使用Cold Steel新开发出来的专利技术"The Tri-AD Locking",它提升了一般背卡榫的强度,能承受更大的挤压力与许多严格条件的测试。而这些便是对于执法者最好的承诺
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