品 牌: Cold Steel 冷钢
型 号: 95FB "POCKET BUSHMAN" 布希曼口袋折刀
全 长: 26 cm
刀 长: 11.4 cm
刃 材: 德国产4116不锈钢
硬 度: 58-59HRC
刃 厚: 3.5 mm
表 面: 石洗处理
柄 长: 14.6 cm
柄 材: 420不锈钢
重 量: 173g
产 地: 美国品牌,台湾制造
The Bushman® has been a mainstay of the Cold Steel line for more than a decade now. It's an economically simple design, with winning features like strength, versatility, and an affordable price. It's practically perfect! So, rather than upstage the Bushman, we've created a complement to it, a version small enough to carry with you everywhere you go. The new Pocket Bushman.
While it's physically impossible for any folding knife to ever match the strength and rigidity of a fixed blade, we believe our Pocket Bushman, with its new patent pending lock, is close to hitting the mark. The blade is long and wide with a short, sharp, clip point for usefulness and versatility. And it’s hollow ground from top to bottom with just enough belly to be useful for all sorts of tasks.
For the handle, we used the mono block construction method famously used in the French Douk Douk line of knives. There are several advantages to using the mono block. It's simple to mass-produce, and, since there are no liners, handle scales or back spacers, the end result is quite affordable. A single sheet of stainless steel is folded in half to form a housing for the closed blade, as well as supplying the enormous strength and rigidity required to complement our Ram Safe™ lock.
Andrew Demko designed the Ram Safe™ lock to work in tandem with the mono block handle. It features a unique, self adjusting ram that moves forward as the knife is opened and wedges itself tightly between the tang cut away we call the "shelf" and the "U" shaped "roof" of the handle. It's powered by a strong compression spring that urges the ram forward and makes for an incredibly strong lock up. Positive pressure on the lock generated by heavy cutting or chopping strokes is distributed through the blade, then the blade tang shoulder and finally directly into the mono block handle that acts like a giant unbreakable stop pin. Negative pressure from sticking, digging or prying with the point is directed in a different direction through the blade to the blade tang shelf and then to the ram which is squeezed between the shelf and the "U" shaped roof of the handle. Negative pressure easily defeats the vast majority of lock mechanisms. The only way the Ram Safe™ lock can be overcome is if the blade breaks or if the pivot pin is sheared off. Two situations that are highly improbable.
Cold Steel 美国冷钢 95FB Bushman 折刀
"Bushman" 系列,已是Cold Steel销售多年的热卖产品,它强大的威力与坚固耐用的品质深受消费者肯定。
不过这就是直刀的优势,折刀因为锁定结构,强度总是差了那麼一点。Cold Steel相信技术可以克服突破,于是在今年推出新产品"Bushman POCKET " 大折刀。它延用"Bushman"这個产品名,目的在向消費者证明:这把折刀拥有直刀的稳定品质。
"Bushman" 大折刀的原型与设计概念來自1929年在法国发明的折刀"Douk-Douk",由名为M.C. Cognet的刀厂生产,刀柄上刻有美拉尼西亞人(Melanesian)的神灵化身图案,故以此為名。"Douk-Douk"的构造与现代折刀比起來显得相当简陋,将一片钢材对折成扁扁的U字型做成握柄,全靠內部的一条强力弹簧來撑住(锁定)刀刃。虽然简单,但反而因此更為坚固耐用,不容易故障。
Cold Steel 的 "Bushman" 大折刀当然不只是模仿Douk-Douk,设计师Andrew Demko 开发一項专利刀锁法"Ram Safe™ Lock",强化原本传统Douk-Douk的构造,解锁也更容易操作,只要反向用力拉尾绳即可。详细的操作法,请参考下方附图,使用前请务必阅读产品包装內说明书。