品 牌: |
型 号: |
58TLAK AK-47 |
全 长: |
22.86 cm |
刀 长: |
8.89 cm |
闭合长度: |
14 cm |
刃 材: |
日本产AUS-8A不锈钢 |
硬 度: |
58-60 HRC |
表 面: |
Black Tuff-Ex Coating 黑色涂层 |
刃 厚: |
3.5 mm |
柄 长: |
14 cm |
柄 材: |
G10 |
锁定方式: |
冷钢专利TRI- AD LOCK 专利背锁 |
重 量: |
156 g |
附 件: |
额外附赠一套口袋夹 |
In 1947 Mikhail Kalashnikov, the legendary Russian gun designer, created the AK-47 assault rifle. Eventually adopted by the Red Army in 1949, it became famous as the "People's Rifle". Such renown was well deserved, as it was an utterly reliable weapon. It was rugged, simple to operate and maintain, economical, and effective at reasonable ranges. This weapon, and all it represents became the inspiration for our heavy-duty tactical knives, the AK-47® folders. Designed by Andrew Demko, the AK-47®'s possess all of the attributes of their namesake, and perhaps a few more.
They're built for hard and rugged use and are available in two sizes. Both sizes have many features in common. For instance, both are equipped with G-10 handles that offer a vigorous grip that is remarkably tough, rigid and incomparably strong. Also, each size comes with a unique pommel made out of 6061 aluminum. The pommels feature a lanyard hole and can also serve as a "less than lethal" percussion tool in a self-defense situation.
Additionally, the hollow ground blades are honed by hand until they reach levels of sharpness only seen on a surgeon's scalpel. They're made from Japanese AUS 8A Stainless steel, then vacuum heat-treated and sub zero quenched for maximum toughness. The blades are coated with black Tuff-Ex for corrosion resistance and to enhance cutting power and to improve edge retention by reducing friction.
The blades are supported by our state of the art Tri-Ad® lock. In our testing, the Tri-Ad® has proved to be superior to any other lock on the market today in terms of overall strength and resistance to shock induced by blows on the spine (eclipsing virtually all locks in short order) or the even more devastating shock by over-strike that lands on the handle. Finally, to assure easy access, the AK-47®'s come with an ambidextrous pocket clip and our new patented thumb plate. The thumb plate has a dual purpose, it allows the knife to be drawn and quickly opened by snagging it on the edge of a pocket or it can be used like a conventional thumb stud or disc for easy, one-handed opening.
АК-47,是俄语Автомат Калашникова образца 1947 года字母的缩写,意思是「卡拉什尼科夫1947年定型自动步枪」,由俄国人米哈伊尔‧卡拉什尼科夫(Mikhail Kalashnikov)所设计,在伊热夫斯克军工厂生产,1947年定型,1951年开始装备前苏联军队。从1950年代到1980年代,是前苏联军队和华沙条约组织国家军队制式装备。与二次大战时期的步枪相比,AK-47生产成本低,利于大量生产,容易清洁维修。也因为AK-47物美价廉,制造简单、使用灵活,许多第三世界国家、甚至西方国家的军队或者反政府武装,都广泛使用的АК-47。 АК-47的设计概念,深深影响以色列、芬兰、中国等多国的步兵武器设计。
2006年Cold Steel公司以AK-47为名,发行您眼前所见的这款折刀。由刀匠Andrew Demko负责设计,采用G-10制造刀柄,重量大为减轻。表面压印几何凹线,增加抓握稳定性。特别值得一提的地方是末端的柄尾嵌片(pommel),由Grivory®塑钢尼龙制成,它的硬度与韧度,可让您将折刀用做近身防卫器具。
AK-47折刀的刀刃使用日本制AUS 8A不锈钢打造,经过真空热处理以及零度冷却,并经过铁氟龙涂料加工,其坚硬度无与伦比。搭配Cold Steel公司开发的Ultra Lock®锁定机制,可轻松地开合刀子,却不减折刀耐冲击的能力。安装在刀背的专利姆指拨片(thumb plate),改良一般姆指柱的型态,除了单手开合便利之外,还可透过拔刀时摩擦口袋边缘,顺势拉开刀刃。