品 牌: ONTARIO 安大略
型 号: P3 Army Quartermaster
货 号:6310
全 长: 27 cm
刀 长: 14 cm
刃 材: 440A不锈钢
硬 度: 53-58 HRC
表 面: 拉丝处理
刃 厚: 4.8 mm
柄 长: 13 cm
柄 材: 真空高压牛皮压制,配黄铜护手
重 量: ----
刀 套: 牛皮刀鞘。
产 地: 美国

Ontario P3 Army Quartermaster Knife - Commemorative U.S. Military Knife: Ontario 6310 Knife
The Ontario P3 Army Quartermaster Knife is a beautiful commemorative U.S. Military Knife. The blade steel on on the P3 Army Quartermaster Knife is brushed 440A Stainless Steel. Rounding out the beauty of the P3 Army Quartermaster Knife is the stacked leather and colored fiber washers, the brass guard and butt cap.
The P3 Army Quartermaster knife features full tang construction with a blade length of 6". The blade of the P3 Army Quartermaster has an etching that reads "Quartermaster" on the 1st line and "Army-95" on the 2nd line. Overall, the P3 Army Quartermaster Knife is 10.75" in length.
The Ontario P3 Army Quartermaster Knife comes complete with a leather sheath.
(这款P3 陆军军官佩刀主要特点:
1.宽短的刀身可用來撬开板箱 , 钝的那一边可當作锤子使用可以敲击物体, 亦可做切割工具用
4.刀刃材質 440A 不锈钢
安大略6310 P3军需官(Quartermaster)是一款具有纪念意义的美国军刀。这把刀刀身使用440A不锈钢锻造并经表面拉丝处理,圆润的棕色刀柄上配备有色纤维垫圈,黄铜护手和尾部柄帽。厚实的刀身和血槽让这把刀可在战斗中使用,也可作为撬杆来打开箱子,柄尾部可用来作为锤子。