LIGHTWEIGHT - 13 grams (regular Stanley® type utility knife weighs around 150 grams, Leatherman® same sized blade knife weighs around 85 grams, smallest Victorinox® Swiss Army penknife weighs around 23 grams).
ULTRA THIN - 2.2 mm thick (traditional Stanley® utility knife body thickness is around 25 mm).
RAZOR SHARP - Surgical blade technology with extra long 65mm cutting edge ensures longer lasting sharpness (Stanley® utility knife blade edge is only 25mm long). Blade made from high quality rust free stainless steel. Independent testing laboratory; CATRA awarded Cardsharp penknife; VERY GOOD status for sharpness (ICP mm) and life (TCC mm). Blade color choice: Teflon Black or Natural Brushed Stainless Steel.
SAFETY - Blade edge is protected when stored in wallet, drawer, or kit bag which avoids accidents and blunting (blunting often caused by rubbing against other knives or tools). Integral blade 'sheath' cannot be lost. Protective hilt appears when opened. When docked in closed position, design prevents injury. Cannot fold accidentally (as some folding pocket knives). Blade is locked solidly in open, cutting mode with no blade tremor allowing accurate precision cutting.
WATERPROOF - Machine washable with no hinged parts to rust up like ordinary folding pocket knives.
ECO FRIENDLY - Lightness and flatness reduces storage and shipping costs including carbon footprint. Simple two part construction with automated assembly saves manufacturing waste.
PERMUTABILITY - Highly suitable for customization by pad printing or invisible label (printed 1-4 color lithographic) and/or custom laser engraving blade - please email us if you have a promotion inquiry).
PACKAGING - Various options available including slimline card eco-pack for gift/mail order and harder sell retail design with euro hook.
LEGAL - Blade is under 3” (76 mm) and is visible when closed so easily identifiable as a knife (optional clear body versions show blade from both sides - P.O.A). Note: legal restrictions vary internationally.
如果没猜错,肯定有很多玩主喜欢这个:美国原装进 Iain Sinclair CardSharp Safety Knife,英国原产信用卡式安全折叠刀。
这是Iain sinclair推出的一款折叠刀——CardSharp!CardSharp折叠起来时大小和一张信用卡相当。它的刀刃很锋利,但其本身却很轻薄。CardSharp只有2毫米厚,重13克,65毫米长的刀身采用不锈钢材质制成,不用的时候可以将它折叠包裹在卡片式刀鞘中以防止被割伤。
美国专业刀具销售网站KnifeCentre的创始人Howard Korn对它的评价是“我销售刀具15年,基本上没有见过一款刀具能卖得这么快。”