品 牌 |
FALLKNIVEN 福克斯·尼文(瑞典,官方网址:www.fallkniven.com) |
型 号 |
#F1z3G "Pilot Survival Knife" 瑞典皇家空军飞行员生存刀F1 3G粉末钢系列 |
产 地 |
瑞 典 |
全 长 |
21 cm |
类型 |
生存刀 |
刀刃长 |
9.7 cm |
刀刃钢材 |
钢材硬度 |
62 HRC |
手柄厚度 |
16.5mm |
手柄材质 |
Thermorun Handle 一体龙骨结构,黑色热塑性弹性橡胶体包裹 |
刀刃厚度 |
4.5mm |
重量 |
150克 |
设计者 |
刀鞘材质 |
官网价格 |
2653SEK(瑞典克朗) |
限 制 |
未成年人请勿购买!本品仅供生存! |

With this knife a new world standard is being set! Important factors such as technical design, ergonomy and economy are brought together within the model F1, and represent the foremost concept available today. The knife meets and surpasses by far established international standards for strength, personal security and value for money.
Mod. F1 is the official survival knife for pilots within the Swedish Air Force since 1995.
Mod. F1 represents an entirely new philosophy with respect to knives for survival use. At the same time it combines the experience of generations of knife manufacturing with modern technology. The handy size, the well thought-out design, the incredibly tough laminated steel are only a few of many details making this knife something you can rely on.
Mod. F1 is a handy knife and is tremendously versatile. The safe, pleasant grip together with a very hard yet tough laminated steel, makes the knife very useful for all kind of daily work but also demanding tasks. You can choose from two kinds of sheaths - an all-covering pouch type, which safely houses the entire knife or an extremely tough double-safety, one hand operated zytel sheath.
Many years ago, when we began the development of our now famous knife series Tre Kronor, we wanted to test something new: A completely unknown laminate powder steel. Our own tests went well, but we also wanted to test the steel on the open market in order, so to speak, to be on the safe side. So, we manufactured 110 F1-knives using this 3G steel, knives which were then sold all over the world. The reactions were, to say the least, positive. And so we could start manufacturing our most exclusive knife series.
Zytel sheath
The new injection molded zytel sheath offers a neat safe and strong combination of qualities which should be very attractive to any user. Now new sheath for left-handed, same quality same price.
简 介:
来自瑞典的FALLKNIVEN刀厂自1998年以来在整个刀具界声名日盛,该厂一直为瑞典空军提供生存刀具,尤其以F1型号最为著名。今天,参加任何一个美洲综合刀展,或打开任何一本刀具界的知名杂志,你都会看到他们的产品——刀刃上印着十分醒目的F.AB SWEDEN,和VG-10,这是FALLKNIVEN最喜欢选用的刃材钢。
F1 是 Fallkniven 最早提供的生存刀,是为瑞典空军设计生产的。刀型采用 Loveless 水滴尖,同时也是一把非常出色的猎刀。F1有两个款式:抛光的和特氟龙涂层的,也都可以选配皮革鞘或Kydex鞘。
Fallkniven花费八年的时间开发F1,今天,这个型号已经成为生存刀典范,被瑞典空军配用。F1的优点在于其尺寸非常实用而称手,在生存刀界几乎无可匹敌。安全舒适的握把,加上极度坚韧的特殊钢材,都是使这把刀能胜任各种环境下的工作——甚至是苛刻的任务。就它的尺寸来说,F1的确是一把非常有优势的刀。 配套封闭式皮革鞘将刀完全盖裹住,安全而低调;