品 牌: Cold Steel 冷钢
型 号: 11HM “HOLD OUT III” 苏格兰勇士折刀 III
全 长: 17.46 cm
闭 合: 10 cm
刀 长: 7.62 cm
刃 材: 日本产AUS8A
硬 度: 56-58 HRC
刃 厚: 3 mm
表 面: 珠光处理
柄 材: 美国造G10手柄
重 量: 68 g
锁定方式:冷钢专利的 Tri-Ad Lock 锁定。(一种改进型的背锁装置)
产 地: 美国品牌,台湾制造 MADE IN TAIWAN
For many years now Cold Steel has been fascinated with the Black Knife or Skean Dhu (Gaelic) of the ancient Scottish warriors. Used as a utility or back-up knife and worn under the sleeve, tucked inside a jacket or slipped into the top of a stocking it was thin, flat "pointy" and light as a feather.
Now Cold Steel is proud to offer you our latest interpretation of this timeless knife in the form of an updated Tactical folder we call the Hold Out.
Available in several sizes to meet just about anyone's needs, they offer a number of contemporary variations and refinements at a very affordable price. Each blade is made of our tried and true AUS 8A Stainless Steel, and like its ancient predecessor's, features a thin, acutely pointed tip that's sharp as the proverbial needle. And it glides effortlessly through even the most puncture resistant materials while remaining remarkably resistant to breakage. Adding to their value and wicked effectiveness, each knife has been precisely and beautifully hollow ground before being honed by hand to a razor edge that will fling hairs from your arm like magic.
The handles of our Hold Out series are also reminiscent of their ancient forbearers. Fashioned from the finest American made G-10 laminate, they offer a palm hugging profile and a thin, flat cross section that resists rolling or twisting in the palm while remaining comfortable and versatile enough to accommodate a wide variety of gripping styles.
To protect your fingers from our Hold Out's remarkably sharp blades, each knife comes with our record breaking Tri-Ad lock. Proven to way out perform the competition in the most brutal tests imaginable, it's simply the best lock available for folding knives at any price.
For discreet carry and immediate access, the Hold Outs are supplied with polished stainless steel pocket clips and thumb studs on the blade. This arrangement allows a wide variety of carry options as well as lightning quick, one-handed deployment.
此款11HM HOLD OUT III 小号“苏格兰勇士”平刃折刀使用日本制造的AUS8A不锈钢,刀刃短剑型设计具有宽大的刀腹,最重要的是刀尖非常锋利,无论是穿刺、切割都游刃有余,既便坚轫的纤维织物,都能有效率地割断。这些在紧急状况下,都能有优越之表现力与最坚固耐用的品质。握柄选用质地较粗的G-10材质,无论正握、反手握,都相当稳定;手部若有潮湿、油份或砂石沾染,也不必担心滑手。这款刀的锁定结构,使用冷钢新开发出来的专利技术Tri-Ad Lock锁定,它区别于普通的背锁,在背部增加了一片钢衬,提升了一般背卡榫的强度,能承受更大的挤压力与许多严格条件的测试。