品牌 |
Spyderco 蜘蛛 |
型号 |
刀刃钢材 |
CPM - S30V |
闭合长度 |
139mm |
全长 |
241mm |
刀刃长度 |
102mm |
刀刃厚度 |
4mm |
切割刃长度 |
94mm |
手柄材质 |
G10 |
刀具重量 |
120g |
闭合方式 |
线锁 |
蜘蛛圆孔 |
14mm |
硬度 |
58-61HRC |
产地 |
MADE IN USA 美国,科罗拉多制造 |
刀刃类型 |
半齿 |
限制 |
------- |

Spyderco Military G-10
A cornerstone in Spyderco's Save and Serve line up, the Military Model came about after someone asked Spyderco's owner Sal Glesser, "If your son were going into the military what folding knife would you send him with?" For certain, it had to meet the requirements of a high-performance, light-weight folder designed for hard use.
Since the steel is the spirit of the knife, CPM S30V seemed the logical choice for the blade given its reputation for long-term edge retention and rust resistance. The 'Millie' has a modified clip-point blade laser cut with a 14 mm Spyderco Round Hole for quick deployment and for use with gloves. Texturing above the hole hold the thumb in contact with the blade's spine during cutting for confident control over the sharpened edge. The handle scales are G-10 with the lock's liner nested (inlayed) directly into the scale, pumping up lock strength without the addition of bulky liners. Spacers between the scales create a gap running the handle's full length exposing the inside workings for inspection and cleaning. The handle flares slightly at the front end creating a finger choil and at the butt end, which keeps the knife from slipping forward or backward in the hand while sawing or making tough or aggressive cuts. A contoured black metal clip is set for right-hand tip-down carry.
Made in Golden, Colorado U.S.A. Earth
蜘蛛的产品中最著名的品种之一当属C36(Military),它的特点是使用产品刀里最出众,成本最高的CPM-S30V高碳不锈钢,加厚的刀刃,超强超轻G-10纺织纤维的手柄,内衬锁(IinerLock),扩大的开启圆孔使它成为开启速度最快的手动折刀。蜘蛛设计这个型号的原则就是不遗余力地在各个方面都使用最好的技术和材料,使它成为趋于完美的折刀,而实际上蜘蛛的确做到了这点。Sal Glesser谈到其中还有个有趣的起因:有一天,有个自称来自保密的特种部队的人打来电话,希望蜘蛛在C07(Spyderco的一种很受欢迎的全尺寸折刀)基础上改进为G-10手柄,内衬锁及黑色刀刃的折刀供他们使用。这个人只肯说出自己的名,却不说姓氏。考虑到C07本身并不适合军用,这件事就不了了之了。几个月后Spyderco开始设计一款适于极端严酷的条件下使用的军用刀,就是现在的C36军用型,它几乎完全满足当时那个神秘人物的要求,可惜却无法和他联系,不过一把近乎完美的折刀就此诞生了。谈到C36,Sal Glesser认为设计成一把完美的刀具,Sal说:“如果我即将参军的儿子需要一把好刀,那将会是C36。在极端严酷的条件下,它强悍的性能将可以区分生与死。