TRUMARK'S FS-1 Wrist-braced sling shot folds down to a compact size. The FS Series sling shots FS-1, FSX-2000, and FSXFO are the only folding sling shots manufactured today with an ammo storage chamber inside the handle. If needed, the wrist-brace can be easily removed from the handle, and reinstalled later. Although removing the wrist-brace turns the FS-1 into a non wrist-braced, slingshot, you can still store items in the handle. The handle can store ammo, matches, small knives, or repair kit. It's unique bottom valve "flips"open, to dispense 5/16", 3/8" or 1/2" ammo. The hollow handle also keeps the slingshot floating if accidently dropped in the water.
Unlike all other, solid-core-handle, folding slingshots sold today with handles molded in two pieces, Trumark's handles do not use glue, rivets, or screws to hold them together. They are molded in one complete piece! The wide aluminum forks, with a 4 1/2" spread between the prongs, increases powerband life. The light non-rust aircraft aluminum frame and compact size make the FS-1 sling shot a favorite survival aid for campers, hunters, and backpackers. Powered by matched-pull latex RR-1 powerbands, described here, with a split-chrome leather pouch...225 Yd. Range!

Trumark--美国图马克运动弹弓 FS1 复合弹弓
TRUMARK引人注目的铝製弹弓框架及强化塑材的强力弹弓,在握把上拥有可放置任何尺吋的钢珠、小刀及修理工具…等等的空间,握把底部并有易于开启之活门以便于装填钢珠,其宽阔的铝製V型轭杆配上强力结实的橡皮及置弹皮革,让有效射程范围在大约205公尺。且TRUMARK'S FS系列弹弓亦是目前全球唯一当弹弓不慎掉入水中仍能浮起之弹弓。而轻巧且易于携带的设计可毫不费力地将它乾淨俐落地收纳在身边,让户外爱好者、狩猎爱好者等爱不释手。
請注意:當您的小孩,除非擁有安全觀念或接受安全訓練,否則請勿讓您的小孩獨自或和別的小孩使用,必須由父母親或成年長輩從旁指導。射擊時無論射手或旁觀者請務必作好防護措施,如帶防護眼鏡等,以免受傷(彈珠 有時需預防類似〝跳彈〞等彈回現象)。射擊時請勿朝人群、動物或門窗射擊,請使用適當的標靶。並請注意目標附近是否有人,以免傷及無辜。若彈弓或橡皮有損壞或疲乏,請即更新(換)。如果不幸打傷(破)人(物),皆可能使您觸犯法律。 請勿放置於日光照射處或有瓦斯廢氣的地方。