品 牌 |
型 号 |
5370FE-02 "SHOOTOUT® | COOL GRAY GRIVORY® 5370FE-02冷灰色手柄直跳 |
产 地 |
MADE IN USA 美国制造 |
全 长 |
20.88 cm |
闭合长度 |
11.97 cm |
刃 长 |
8.92 cm |
钢 材 |
钢材硬度 |
63-65 HRC |
表面处理 |
Flat Dark Earth PVD 深泥色PVD涂层 |
手柄材质 |
COOL GRAY GRIVORY® handle 冷灰色聚合物材料手柄 |
刃 厚 |
2.54 mm |
重 量 |
81.5 克 (实测重量) |
设计者 |
特别之处 |
Double-action out-the-front automatic. Spine fire release button
带有深口袋夹设计;尾部设计有挂环,金属推钮。 |
官网售价 |
350美元,不包含运费及关税. |
限 制 |
未成年人请勿购买任何商品!本品仅供 |

The Shootout® was arguably 2022’s most exciting Benchmade debut, so when fans asked us for more color options, we got to work. New for 2023, the 5370FE-01 and 5370FE-02 retain the Flat Dark Earth CPM-CruWear® blade—as well as its exceptional strength and toughness—and exchanges the original black handle for Crater Blue and Cool Gray Grivory® with a new lanyard pommel in place of the glass breaker of its predecessor. Powered by the spine-fired release, the Shootout® is a double-action out-the-front automatic that truly packs a punch and carries light.

此Shootout®可以说是2022年最激动人心的Benchmade首秀,所以当粉丝们要求我们提供更多的颜色选择时,我们开始工作了。5370FE-01和5370FE-02是2023年的新款,保留了Flat Dark Earth CPM CruWear®刀片及其卓越的强度和韧性,并用新的系索挂环取代了前代的玻璃破碎机,将原来的黑色手柄换成了火山口蓝和冷灰Grivory®。Shootout®由脊椎发射式释放装置提供动力,是一款双动式前自动挡,真正具有冲击力和轻盈感。