Spyderco蜘蛛C118SYL Saver Salt YELLOW FRN 拯救者海盐系列H2钢全齿刃潜水救援折刀 城市露营潜水均适用 黄色FRN手柄 钛金属口袋夹 黑色耐腐蚀螺丝() Spyderco蜘蛛C230GP LIL' NATIVE G-10 BLACK 超小号本土系列折刀 S30V钢制造 钢本色石洗表面处理 黑色G10手柄内附双钢衬 背衬锁(现货)
官網建議價:¥1600Spyderco 蜘蛛 C229GP SHAMAN Compression Lock萨满(本土系列)大号折刀 CPM S30V钢 石洗处理配抛光G10材质手柄加双钢衬专利背衬锁(现货)
官網建議價:¥2600LionSteel钢狮(意大利)SR11BB BlackWash 2017美国刀展年度双重冠军奖项型号 SR11黑色石洗特别版 全钛手柄+SELIPNER钢 IKBS轴承开启+专利锁定 ()
品 牌 SPYDERCO 蜘蛛 型 号 C118SYL " SAVER SALT™ YELLOW FRN" 拯救者·海盐系列潜水救援折刀
产 地 MADE IN JAPAN 日本制造 全 长 18.2 cm 闭合长度 10.4 cm 刃 长 79 mm 有效切割刃长 67 mm 钢材型号 H-2 H2不锈钢 硬 度 59-60 HRC 手柄材质 high-visibility yellow FRN Handle 高可见度亮黄色FRN材质(玻璃尼龙增强纤维),手柄表面有火山坑造型防滑纹理。
刃 厚 3 mm 重 量 61 克 锁定方式 背锁 其他特点 刀身螺丝均为不锈钢耐腐蚀材质,并做了黑色耐腐蚀涂层;口袋夹为钛金属材质;耐腐蚀; 表面处理 SATIN 缎面处理 官网价格 MSRP 147 美元,不包含运费及关税 限 制 本品仅供收藏!!未成年人请勿购买!!
Dear Spyderco Owner
injection molded from fiberglass-reinforcednylon (FRN). This material reduced theweight of the knife significantly and allowedit to include the non-slip qualities of amolded Volcano GripTm texture pattern. Thelightweight handle also included a molded.integral pocket clip configured for tip-upcarry. To satisfy both right and left-handedusers, however, separate, dedicatedversions of the design had to be producedAs the concept of the rescue knifegained popularity, Spyderco receivedrequests for a smaller, even more easilycarried version of the Rescue model.In 1998 we responded with the RescueJr.Tm. This scaled-down version of theRescue pattern was initially offered with
confidence in our products and would ikto take this opportunity to share the storybehind this knife design
In 1981, Spyderco revolutionizedmodern folding knife design with theintroduction of its first CLIPIT model-thewoakeratde s odha an9 tonetdipsrandard in tek iror ease'ot caet amahanded operationA year later, we introduced our secondCLIPIT model, the Marinertm. t was the firstfolding knife to combine the blunt-tippedsheepfoot blade of a traditional riggingknife with the voracious cuting power of aserrated edge. Although originally intendedfor sailors and watersports enthusiaststhe Mariner quickly found favor with lawenforcement officers, first responders, andother emergency services personnel. Theydiscovered that its unique blade shape andthe extreme cutting capability of its fullyserrated SpyderEdgerm made it the perfecttool for cutting the seat belts of accidentvictims, as well as rope, webbing, andother tough-to-cut fibrous materials. Themodern rescue knife genre was born.In 1991, Spyderco built upon thesuccess of the Mariner by introducing theC14 Rescuerm model. lt combined theunparalleled cutting capability and blunttip of the Mariner with a lightweight handle
Mariner-style stainless steel handle and a
lightweight, injection-molded FRN handle.
Both featured a reversible barrel-bolt-style
pocket clip that could be easily configured
for left or right-side tip-up carry and allowe
the use of Volcano Grip texturing on both
sides of the FRN handle. They also addec
a 50/50 index-finger choil at the juncture
of the balde and handle that allowed a
forward-positioned grip for enhanced
Ultimately, the stainless-handled
Rescue Jr. was discontinued in favor of the
Lightweight version, which not only enjoyed
stronger sales, but was also adopted as
the official issue knife of a major U.S. law
enforcement agency
In 2004, the design of the Rescue Jr.was refined to yield the Rescue 79mm.Specifically, the Trademark Round Holewas enlarged, jimping (textured grooves)were added to the thumb ramp, and a BoyeDent was added to the lock bar to helpprevent unintentional closure. The clip wewas also reinforced to anchor the pocket
clip more securely.
In 2004,Spyderco once againrevolutionized the knife industry with theintroduction of our first Salt图 Series knivesfeaturing ultra-corrosion-resistant H-1blade steel and matching rust-resistanthandle hardware. Created specifically fouse in and around the water, the knivesof this series were based directly on ourbest-selling models, especially thosethat featured one-piece injection-molded
Since the sheepfoot blade profile of
the Rescue 79mm is ideally suited for the
needs of sailors, it made perfect sense
to adapt it to the Salt Series. The resul
was the original Saver Salt, which was
introduced in 2007. t combined all the
proved features of the Rescue 79mm
with a SpyderEdge blade hollow groundfrom H-1 steel, a titanium pocket clip, ancultra-corrosion-resistant handle hardwareIts FRN handle was molded in a choice of
black or high-visibility yellow
Due to dynamic changes in theJapanese steel industry, in 2022, the bladesteel of the Saver Salt was changed fromH-1 to H-2. H-2 finely tuned chemistryenhances the fearlessly corrosion-resistanproperties of its predecessor and providesunfailing reliability in even the harshestsalwater conditons. All other featuresof the current Saver Salt, including itshigh-performance hollow-ground bladefully accessible Trademark Round Holehigh-strength back lock mechanism, anccompletely ambidextrous functionalityare completely faithful to the time-testecoriginal design. We are extremely proud o
it and confident that it will serve you welPROPER MAINTENANCE:
Always keep your knife sharp to ensurethat it cuts efficiently with the minimumapplication of pressure. Inspect yourknife regularly and clean any lint or otheobstructions from the pivot mechanismusing a toothpick, hot water, and a milddetergent. Thoroughly rinse and dry youknife and lubricate the pivot mechanismsparingly with oil or silicone lubricant.Excessive lubrication can attract dirt andnegatively affect the proper functioning ofthe lock mechanism
Thank you again for purchasing aSpyderco Saver Salt. For more informatioron Spyderco products and their properuse and maintenance, please visit wwwspyderco.com.
2004年,Rescue Jr.的设计进行了改进,生产出79毫米的Rescue。具体而言,加大了商标圆孔,在拇指坡道上添加了锯齿(纹理凹槽),并在锁杆上添加了BoyeDent,以防止意外关闭。夹子也加固了以固定口袋
Rescue 79mm长度的刃长非常适合水手的需求,不仅如此,该救援系列折刀也深受专业救援人员、EMT急救人员、农场主、各式军警人员和大众的喜爱,它可以提供在任何紧急情况下的切割能力!
现在推出的SAVER SALT是救援折刀中的超耐腐蚀版本!
最初的Saver Salt在2007年推出。保留了所有救援系列79mm折刀的特征,超大的14mm直径开刀孔,即便冬季或者是水下戴着厚厚的手套,也可以单手操作,自由开启或者闭合。
由于日本钢铁行业的动态变化,2022年,Saver Salt的刀片从H-1变为H-2。H-2经过精细调整的化学性能增强了其前身的超强耐腐蚀性能,即使在最恶劣的海水条件下也能提供令人惊异的可靠性。当前Saver Salt的所有其他功能,包括其高性能空心地面叶片可接近的商标圆形霍尔高强度后锁机构,以及完全灵巧的功能,都完全符合时间测试的原始设计。
Spyderco 蜘蛛是一个不寻常的公司。以前所未有的创新精神而闻名。1976年起源于美国加利福尼亚的Redding。这样一个年轻的公司现在却是拥有最多专利的刀具公司。留意一下现在的名牌折刀:单手开启功能、便于携带的口袋夹(CLIP),锯齿刃这些几乎成为现代高科技折刀标志的设计。而它们的发明人正是蜘蛛!早在1981年,他们就生产出业界第一把单手开启的折刀(C01 Worker),其商标性的单手开启圆孔造型使人们一瞥之下就能认出那是蜘蛛的产品。如今单手开启的机构有许多种,如凸钮、碟形钮及各种形状的通孔,但仍以蜘蛛首创的圆形孔最为快捷!单手开启功能不仅日常使用更加方便,而且对军警、救援人员、登山探险者来说更是必不可少的:传统的折刀要双手借助刀上的凹槽才能把刀打开,而单手开启的刀具只需要用持刀手的拇指推动刀上的凸钮或通孔即可将刀打开,在一只手需要攀援、持物或被困等情况下,单手开启功能将起到至关重要的作用!