品 牌 |
型 号 |
273GY-1 "Mini Adamas Gray Cruwear” 小号版Adamas战术折刀 CPM CRU-WEAR钢 |
产 地 |
MADE IN USA 美国制造 |
全 长 |
19.35 cm |
闭合长度 |
11.1 cm |
刃 长 |
8.26 cm |
钢 材 |
CPM Cru-Wear super strong tool steel CPM Cru-Wear超级粉末工具钢 |
钢材硬度 |
63-65 HRC |
手柄厚度 |
16 mm |
手柄材质 |
Black G10 handles 双面黑色G10材质,内附加厚双钢衬 |
刃 厚 |
3.556 mm |
重 量 |
130.41 克 |
表面处理 |
gray Cerakote coated 灰色陶瓷涂层 |
设计者 |
Shane Sibert |
参考售价 |
250美元,不包含运费及关税。 |
限 制 |
本品仅供收藏,未成年人请勿购买! |

The Benchmade Adamas line of folders was designed by custom knife maker Shane Sibert in collaboration with Major Jeff Strueker of the US Armed Forces. Major Strueker is a decorated war veteran who served in the armed forces from 1987-2011, mostly in the 75th Ranger Regiment, and is a huge fan of Benchmade knives. This Mini version of the popular AXIS lock platform is more compact for daily carry while retaining its tank like durability. This version comes with a gray Cerakote coated, CPM Cruwear blade and black G10 handle scales.
Brand new, direct from Benchmade, USA.
Blade: The utilitarian drop point blade has been upgraded with ultra tough CPM Cruwear tool steel with mid-height saber grind for balanced performance and durability. The blade is finished with a durable, corrosion resistant and non-reflective poly-ceramic gray Cerakote. A plain cutting edge offers clean slicing and ease of sharpening in the field. Dual thumb studs allow for fast or controlled deployment to meet the situation at hand.
Handle: Machined, black G10 handle scales are attached to skeletonized black oxide stainless steel liners offering a tough build in a more compact and lighter weight platform for ease of carry. Milled holes and strategic jimping enhance traction in the hand. Tough and reliable, the ambidextrous AXIS lock is simple to operate even with gloves. A generous hole is provided for lanyard attachment.
Carries via a reversible, tip-up stainless steel deep carry clip.
Benchmade donates a portion of the proceeds to the Ranger Assistance Foundation which provides assistance to family and friends of men killed or wounded in action from the US Army's 75th Ranger Regiment.
CPM-Cru-Wear: is a tool steel toughness approaching that of CPM 3V with edge retention comparable to CPM S30V/S35VN. While it is a tool steel the chromium content makes it semi-stainless and corrosion resistance should be at or above that of D2.
此款蝴蝶Benchmade的Adamas系列是由定制刀具制造商ShaneSibert与美国陆军的JeffStrueker少校合作设计。斯特鲁克少校是一名获得勋章的退伍军人,1987年至2011年在军队服役,大部分时间在第75游骑兵团服役,同时他也是一名刀迷。这款迷你版的Adamas采用蝴蝶专利AXIS轴锁平台,使得尺寸更加紧凑,便于日常携带。这个版本配备了CPM CRUWEAR 超级工具钢制造,表面为灰色颗粒状陶瓷涂层,手柄为黑色G10材质,表面为立体雕刻防滑纹路和减重孔,手柄内部有加厚双钢衬。保持了如坦克般的耐用性!

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