品 牌 |
型 号 |
535GRY-1 "Bugout Ranger Green Smoked Gray Drop Point” 蝴蝶2020年新款BUGOUT 游骑兵绿色手柄 特别版折刀 目前蝴蝶最火的EDC |
产 地 |
全 长 |
18.95 cm |
闭合长度 |
10.72 cm |
刃 长 |
8.23 cm |
钢 材 |
CPM S30V |
钢材硬度 |
58-60 HRC |
手柄厚度 |
10.668 mm |
手柄材质 |
Ranger Green Texed Grivory handle 游骑兵绿色Grivory材质手柄 |
刃 厚 |
2.286 mm |
重 量 |
52.45 克 |
设计者 |
特别之处 |
沙漠金色双推钮;DLC涂层钛金属AXIS轴锁系统。 |
表面处理 |
Smoke Gray PVD coated 烟雾灰色PVD涂层。 |
官网售价 |
170美元,不包含运费及关税. |

The Green 535GRY-1 Bugout folder from Benchmade Knives was built to be one of the toughest, lightest folders in its class to go anywhere you do. It's extremely slim, ergonomic and comes with some premium materials at an outstanding price point.
The Bugout is brand new direct from Benchmade Knives.
The Blade: Classic upper swedged drop point stylings for overall utility at work or in the field with a smokin' gray finish. It's crafted from premium stainless steel for durability, reliability and easiness to keep sharp. Effortless opening and closing from the left or right hand side via two bronze anodized aluminum thumb studs. Access in a pinch with some familiar Benchmade flare.
The Handle: Ranger green grivory was chosen for its lightweight properties along with its general toughness and ability to take a licking and keep on ticking. It has some light diamond texturing on both sides to aid in grip, but not to the point of tearing up hands or gear. Bronze anodized aluminum barrel spacers create easy-clean construction and an oversized lanyard hole near the end is perfect for customization. Benchmade really stepped up the toughness with a DLC (Diamond-Like Carbon) coated titanium AXIS lock bar. This really raises the toughness "bar" on a cutter than weighs a minuscule 1.85 oz.
The Bugout's final accent is a reversible mini deep-carry pocket clip for tip up concealed travel.
此款为蝴蝶2020年新品 BUGOUT 还没有上市的时候,就已经在国外的刀友圈引起了波澜,当此款上市之后,更是火爆到到货即售罄的状态! 当BUGOUT于2017首次亮相时,有爱好者认为它只是一个概念版,因为蝴蝶公司并没有透漏出产品的准确生产时间,但随着Bugout新闻发出,在预售期间便受到了热爱。它的超轻型结构成为了它的主要卖点:一个钛材质轴锁,把这款折刀的重量控制在不到60克。(相当于iphone SE 手机重量的一半)使它很轻易的加入EDC行列之中,不过虽然EDC刀具在18年19年迅速火了起来,但是对于蝴蝶这种公司来说,在保持品牌特点的基础之上进行设计EDC刀具还是非常有优势的。主刀采用CPM S30V粉末钢制造,烟雾灰色PVD涂层,游骑兵绿色的手柄;DLC涂层处理的钛金属AXIS轴锁系统;整刀的重量不足53克,但是坚固耐用,尾部有一个很大的系绳孔,可以栓伞绳或者是用快挂等连接;