品 牌 |
Cold Steel 冷钢 (美国,官网地址:http://www.coldsteel.com ) |
型 号 |
# 20LTR "Tuff Lite Plain Edge (Red)" 冷钢·凝灰岩 红色手柄折刀 |
全 长 |
15.24 cm |
刃 长 |
6.35 cm |
刃 材 |
Japanese AUS 8A Stainless 日本产AUS8A不锈钢 |
硬 度 |
58~59 HRC |
表面处理 |
SATIN 钢本色缎面处理 |
刃 厚 |
2.75 mm |
手柄材质 |
3 1/2" Long Griv-Ex™ Red 8.89cm长 Griv-Ex 红色合成材质手柄 |
锁定方式 |
Tri-Ad® 冷钢专利的TRI-AD强化背锁 |
重 量 |
70 克 |
类 型 |
折刀 |
包装规格 |
纸 盒 |
官网价格 |
50.99 美元(不含运费及关税) |
销售限制 |
未成年人请勿购买! |

Tuff Lite Plain Edge (Red):
Both the standard sized version and the mini version are bred for work and offer a surprisingly good grip due to their superbly engineered Griv Ex™ handles that offer a tremendous strength to weight ratio and feature our state of the art Tri-Ad® lock, which gives them astonishing muscle for their size.Tough enough to do the job and light enough to be handy, Cold Steel’s® Tuff Lite folders are there when you need them. Perfectly sized to slip into any pocket, clip to your waist band or wear around your neck on a lanyard. With the wide, hollow, ground blades they are mercilessly sharp and can shear through the toughest materials with unexpected ease. And due to their slanted points, they offer deep penetration and precision cutting potential without appearing aggressive enough to draw unwanted attention. Both the standard sized version and the mini version are bred for work and offer a surprisingly good grip due to their superbly engineered Griv Ex™ handles that offer a tremendous strength to weight ratio and feature our state of the art Tri-Ad® lock, which gives them astonishing muscle for their size.
冷钢的TUFF LITE 凝灰岩系列分为标准尺寸版本和迷你版本,不管哪个尺寸,均适合日常使用,并具有出色的抓握力,这归功于其精湛的Griv Ex™手柄,它可以提供超高的强度和重量比,并配有我们最先进的Tri-Ad®锁,使它们的尺寸令人惊讶。足够坚固,足以胜任工作,轻便,轻巧,当您需要它们时,ColdSteel's®Tuff Lite文件夹就在那里。大小合适,可以插在任何口袋里,系在腰带上或系在挂绳上。凭借宽而空心的地面刀片,它们毫不留情地锋利,可以意外地轻松剪切最坚硬的材料。而且由于其倾斜的角度,它们具有深厚的穿透力和精确的切割潜力,而不会表现出足够的侵略性以引起不必要的关注。标准尺寸版本和迷你版本均适合工作,并具有出色的抓地力,这归功于其精湛的Griv Ex™手柄,可提供超高的强度重量比,并配有我们最先进的Tri-Ad®锁,给他们惊人的承受力。Tuff Lite设计干净简洁、切割能力极佳。Tuff Lite非常小,手柄上配备一个手指凹槽,以及一个开刃保护槽。可能也正是因为尺寸小,所以冷钢将这两个手指凹槽都做得很大,尤其是刀刃边上的开刃保护槽。
Tuff Lite的手柄很短小,但是我们可以将开刃保护槽视为是手柄的延伸部分,这样能获得额外的抓握力。这样的设计很棒。