品 牌 |
BÖKER 博克 (德国) 官网地址:www.boker.de |
型 号 |
# 112545DAM “Trapper Classic Damascus" 大马士革钢 经典kou猎刀
产 地 |
MADE IN Solingen,GERMANY 德国,索林根 制造 |
全 长 |
25 cm |
刃 长 |
13 cm |
刃 厚 |
3.8 mm |
刃材质 |
Chad Nichols stainless Damascus Ripple pattern 乍得尼克斯手工锻造大马士革钢 水波纹路 |
硬 度 |
59-61 HRC |
表面处理 |
Ripple pattern 水波纹路 |
手柄材质 |
Bog Oak Wood Handle 天然沼泽橡木手柄 |
重 量 |
62 克 |
鞘材质 |
---- |
设计者 |
包装规格 |
纸盒,附带签名证书! 全球限量发售500支! |
限 制 |
本品仅供收藏!未成年人请勿购买! |
官网价 |
209 欧元 不含运费及关税。 |

Pocket knives not only transform with the passage of time and due to the associated changing tastes. Technical advancements have had an equally profound effect on pocket knives. Premium and engineering-oriented materials such as titanium, zirconium or carbon fiber for handles, along with powdered metal blade steels, whose performance figures would have brought tears to the eyes of our fathers and grandfathers, mark these developments every bit as much as ball-bearing hinged blades or particularly ingenious opening and locking mechanisms. Entirely classic, traditional pocket knives nevertheless enjoy unfettered popularity, and the demand for the evergreens among these useful everyday helpers continues to be high. The scales on the Böker Trapper Classic are made from bog oak, a material whose old growth appeal has given this special handle material its enduring popularity. In combination with the shimmering polish of the nickel silver bolsters, it most appropriately embodies the essence of this series. The classic Trapper with its straight front bolster endfaces evokes the origins of the pocket knife formats. Chad Nichols shaped the blade from hand-forged, stainless Damascus in the Ripple pattern. The knife is limited to 500 copies world-wide. Discover the fascination of a timeless classic with the Böker Trapper Classic, which will take you along on a journey to the origins of the modern pocket knife.
口袋刀不仅会随着时间的推移而改变,而且还会由于相关的口味变化而改变。技术的进步对口袋刀也产生了同样深远的影响。高级和工程导向材料,如钛、锆或碳纤维手柄,以及粉末金属叶片钢,其性能数字会让我们的父辈和祖父们眼花缭乱,标志着这些发展的每一点,甚至球轴承铰链叶片或特别巧妙的开放和锁定。国王机制。尽管如此,完全经典的传统袖珍刀仍然享有自由流行,这些有用的日常助手对常青树的需求仍然很高。BOker Trapper Classic上的手柄贴片是由沼泽橡木制成的,这种材料的古老的生长吸引力使这种特殊的手柄材料经久不衰。结合闪亮的镍银靠垫波兰,它最适当地体现了这一系列的本质。经典的开启方式与它的直前垫端面唤起了口袋刀格式的起源。乍得尼科尔斯制造的手工锻造不锈钢大马士革水波纹路刀片。这把刀在世界范围内限量发售500支!探索永恒经典与BOker Trapper经典的魅力,这将带您一路前往现代口袋刀的起源。德国索林根制造!