Spyderco蜘蛛C230GP LIL' NATIVE G-10 BLACK 超小号本土系列折刀 S30V钢制造 钢本色石洗表面处理 黑色G10手柄内附双钢衬 背衬锁(现货)
官網建議價:¥1600Spyderco 蜘蛛 C229GP SHAMAN Compression Lock萨满(本土系列)大号折刀 CPM S30V钢 石洗处理配抛光G10材质手柄加双钢衬专利背衬锁(现货)
官網建議價:¥2600LionSteel钢狮(意大利)SR11BB BlackWash 2017美国刀展年度双重冠军奖项型号 SR11黑色石洗特别版 全钛手柄+SELIPNER钢 IKBS轴承开启+专利锁定 ()
品 牌 FOX 狐狸(意大利品牌,官网:www.fkmdknives.com) 型 号 # FX-595 "ARDITI 1917-2017" 意大利“阿迪提”特种部队成立100周年珍藏纪念版 产 地 MADE IN ITALY 意大利 制造 全 长 29 cm 刃 长 17.5 cm 刀身钢材 N690Co Stainless Steel 钢材硬度 58-60 HRC 刃 厚 4 mm 手柄材质 BLACK G-10 Handle 黑色G10手柄 表面处理 Blade Coating Cerakote Black 黑色陶瓷镀层 重量 255 克 设计者 FOX 刀鞘材质 KYDEX 包装规格 纸盒 销售限制 未成年人请勿购买任何商品。
“On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the foundation of the Assault departments "I Gloriosi Arditi" (1917-2017), FOX has made a reproduction of the first model of dagger supplied to them”.
Blade stainless steel N690Co
HRC 58-60
Blade Coating Cerakote Black
Handle Black G10
Blade length 17,5 cm 6.88 ”
Overall length 29 cm 11.41 ”
Thickness 4 mm 0.15 ”
Weight 255 g 8.99 oz
FOX 刀具由經驗豐富的Oreste Frati先生創立於1977年,公司位於義大利東北部的一個小鎮Maniago馬尼亞戈、著名於各式各樣的刀剪及餐具、行銷到全球,廣受好評。FOX刀具公司一直在不停的突破以及創新、致力於研究新的材料,再使用最新科技技術應用到每把FOX所生產的刀具上,專業傳統與科學創新的不斷追求、相互結合下,在世界打響了FOX Coltellerie這個名字,是義大利國內和國際市場上的領先公司之一。
FOX公司已通過ISO 9001認證的公司,並由北約註冊為官方供應商N / CAGE CODE:AG180。2008年公司更名為Euro Knives Italia s.r.l.,一家專業生產高品質刀的國際知名品牌。
刀型多元豐富,不管是經典還是創新全部一應俱全,是非常實用且物超所值的品牌。一直致力于做一些世界上最佳的刀子和工具,它结合最古老的技巧与最新的工业技术.产品.使用N690高级不锈钢,黑色Idroglider涂层,FORPRENE 高耐温聚合物柄材,原产于意大利的FX-0107153不仅拥有多功能战术开山刀线条简洁利落,充满战斗的气息,而且坚固锋利,在任何险恶严酷的环境中也可以发挥其最大的性能,其外带的野外生存工作组套装,各种野外求生用具一应俱全。意大利刀具公司位于世界著名的刀具制造之乡,意大利北部小镇MANIAGO,是世界著名刀具生产商之一。
Members of the Arditi corps, 1918, wielding daggers.
Arditi was the name adopted by Royal Italian Army elite special force of World War I. The name derives from the Italian verb ardire ("to dare") and translates as "The Daring [Ones]".
Reparti d'assalto (Assault Units) were formed in the summer of 1917 by Colonel Bassi, and were assigned the tactical role of shock troops, breaching enemy defenses in order to prepare the way for a broad infantry advance. The Arditi were not units within infantry divisions, but were considered a separate combat arm.
The Reparti d'assalto were successful in bringing in a degree of movement to what had previously been a war of entrenched positions. Their exploits on the battlefield were exemplary and they gained an illustrious place in Italian military history. They were demobilized by 1920.
The name Arditi was later used in 1919–20 by the Italian occupiers of Fiume who were led by Gabriele D'Annunzio, most of whom had been members of the Royal Italian Army. Their use of a uniform with black shirts and black fez was later taken up by Benito Mussolini's paramilitary forces, the Blackshirts.
From 1 October 1975 the flag of X Arditi Regiment (formed in 1942 in imitation of the IX Assault unit of the First World War) was adopted by the 9º Reggimento d'Assalto Paracadutisti Col Moschin (9th Parachute Assault Regiment Col Moschin). To this day operatives of Col Moschin and Italian commando frogmen are known as "Arditi Incursori" and are viewed as the heirs of the Arditi of World War I.
此款为FOX公司为了纪念意大利著名的特种部队“ARDITI” “阿迪提”航空团成立100周年(1917~2017)而特别制造的珍藏纪念版直刀。阿迪提是意大利一站开始成立的一支特别空勤团,属于精英特种部队中的特种部队,同世界著名的海豹部队、SAS一样,历史悠久,功勋卓越! 此款采用N690Co钢材制造,向阿迪提的经典款式致敬,但是做工要好的多;采用黑色G10作为手柄材质,表面有立体雕刻防滑纹路;经典双刃造型;不锈钢护手;配有Kydex鞘;十分具有收藏意义!