品 牌 |
A.G.A Campolin (意大利) (官网地址:agacampolin.com ) www.xnife.net 双刃行 |
型 号 |
# AGA01N-ND " ZERO Black Dagger " “零” 系列 黑色双锋战术侧跳
产 地 |
全 长 |
23 cm xnife.net 双刃行 唯一官网 |
硬度 |
58-60 HRC |
刀身钢材 |
N690Co steel N690钴强化不锈钢 |
刃 长 |
10 cm xnife.net 双刃行唯一官网 |
刃 厚 |
3.5 mm xnife.net 双刃行唯一官网 |
表面处理 |
teflon coated. 黑色特氟龙涂层唯一官网 |
手柄材质 |
Black 3D G-10 Handle 黑色G10 |
护手材质 |
Solid steel AISI 430 stone washed.xnife.net 双刃行唯一官网 |
重量 |
110 克 xnif e.net 双刃行唯一官网 |
开启机制 |
Inverted Leverlock for a fast action. Double spring for a durable and faster opening |
适合范围 |
Tactical 战术 |
官网价格 |
MSRP: 216 欧元,不包含运费及关税 xnife.net 双刃行唯一官网 |
限 制 |
未成年人请勿购买任何商品! xnife.net 双刃行唯一官网 |

关于A.G.A Campolin 的介绍:
Angelo Campolin Sr. was born in 1923 in Maniago, Italy. He worked on perfecting his knife making skills before WWII and at this time made his first switchblades. After the war, in 1947 he started his company and made 30 stilettos with the marking “Angelo Campolin”. Though quite a long ride, he rode his bicycle to Venice to sell them. After a few years he started his relationship with Mauro Mario who fabricated knives for many American importers such as Rosco, C.G. Cutlery, B. Svoboda, C.C.C Cutlery and others for the American market. Also, tourists in Venice and Trieste were crazy for this nasty toy! Angelo made the tools for the large size stilettos in 38cm and 45cm. At first these were the picklock stilettos and then later converted to the swivel bolster style. The Campolins were the only factory to produce this size in the post WWII era. Other sizes were and are produced by other makers. In the 1960’s he started introducing other mechanisms including the lock back style. At first these were used on the switchblade hunting knives and then also with some stilettos. It became the most popular release mechanism for folding hunting knives.

In the 1970’s Angelo’s son Gianni started to work in the company and they were specializing in folding hunting knives and also manual folding stilettos for the Robert Klaas company in Solingen Germany with their Kissing Cranes mark. This was the beginning of Falcon Knives, and it is still in business today. In 1999 Angelo Jr. started to work in the company at the age of 21. He made his first trip to the United States to a knife show in Oregon with many of the fine quality Falcon folding knives. He also had a love of switchblades and from this show and through the internet established relationships and friendships with many American collectors. He opened his own company specializing in automatic knives. Some were made by Angelo Sr. and some by other Maniago artisans with exclusive agreements. This was the beginnings of his company called AKC (Automatic Knives Creations, or Angelo Knives Campolin).

In 2002 American switchblade collectors Dan Fuller, Brad West, and Tim Zinser were visiting Maniago and enjoying a few glasses of wine in a bar with Angelo Jr. and Gianni. The discussion was about a new name for some knife projects they wanted to pursue. It was Brad West that suggested the tang stamp should be AGA, for Angelo, Gianni, Angelo, thus representing three generations in the knife making business. The Campolins liked it and it stuck. In the beginning it was just a few items, but grew to the point where now there are 12 models and different scale options. The goal has been to offer quality switchblades using the old methods and traditions. Being a collector himself, Angelo Jr. knows what others like. The company headquarters has moved to Austria with production still in the original Maniago shop, as well as the others in Maniago that produce the knives for A.G.A. Campolin.
Angelo Campolin Sr. 1923出生于意大利马尼亚戈。他在二战前致力于完善自己的刀制作技术,并在此时制作了他的第一个开关刀片。战后,他创办了自己的公司,制作了30个标有“Angelo Campolin”字样的细高跟鞋。虽然骑了很长的路,他还是骑着自行车去威尼斯卖。几年后,他和Mauro Mario开始了他的关系,他为许多美国进口商制作刀,如罗索、C.G.餐具、B. Svoboda、C.C.C Cutlery等,以供美国市场使用。而且,威尼斯和的里雅斯特的游客都为这个讨厌的玩具发疯了!安吉洛为大尺寸细高跟鞋做了38厘米和45厘米的工具。起初,这是PcCHILK细高跟鞋,然后转换成旋转式摇枕式。在二战后,坎波林是唯一生产这种尺寸的工厂。其他尺寸是由其他制造商生产的。在1960,他开始引入其他机制,包括锁定风格。起初,这些是在开关刀片狩猎刀,然后用一些高跟鞋。它成为折叠式狩猎刀最流行的释放机构。
1970年代,安吉洛的儿子吉安尼开始在这家公司工作,他们专门为德国索林根的罗伯特·克拉斯公司折猎刀和手工折高跟鞋,上面有接吻起重机的标记。这是猎鹰刀的开端,至今仍在经营中。1999年初,安吉洛开始在公司工作,享年21岁。他第一次到美国去参加俄勒冈的一个刀展,展出了许多优质的隼折刀。他还热爱开关刀片,从这个节目,并通过互联网建立了与许多美国收藏家的关系和友谊。他开了一家专营自动刀的公司。一些是由Angelo Sr.和一些其他的MANIAGO工匠独家协议制成的。这是他的公司称为AKC(自动刀创作,或安吉洛刀坎波林)的开始。
2002年,美国开关刀收藏家丹·富勒、布拉德·韦斯特和蒂姆·辛瑟去马尼戈,和小安吉洛·吉安尼在酒吧里喝了几杯酒。讨论是关于他们想从事的一些刀项目的新名称。布拉德·韦斯特建议唐朝的邮票应该是AGA的,安吉洛、吉安妮、安吉洛,因此代表了制刀业的三代人。坎波林喜欢它,它卡住了。起初,它只是几个项目,但增长到现在有12个模型和不同规模的选择。目标是使用旧的方法和传统提供优质开关刀片。作为一个自己的收藏家,Angelo Jr.知道别人喜欢什么。公司总部已经迁往奥地利,生产仍然在原来的马尼奥商店,以及其他在马尼奥生产刀具A.G.A.Campolin。