品 牌 |
FOX 狐狸(意大利品牌,官网:www.fkmdknives.com) |
型 号 |
#FX-591SW "FOX Karambit Black Bird" “黑鸟” 折叠“虎爪”折刀 |
产 地 |
MADE IN ITALY 意大利 制造 |
全 长 |
17 cm |
刃 长 |
6.5 cm |
闭合长度 |
10.5 cm |
刀刃钢材 |
N690Co Stainless Steel |
钢材硬度 |
58-60 HRC |
刃 厚 |
3 mm |
手柄材质 |
G10 Gray 灰色G10手柄, 内附双钢衬 |
表面处理 |
StoneWashed Finish 石洗处理 |
重量 |
110 克 |
设计者 |
锁定方式 |
内衬一体锁 |
包装规格 |
纸盒,附带备用螺丝,以及专用拆卸工具一个。 |
销售限制 |
未成年人請勿購買任何商品。 |

Blade Stainless Steel N690Co
Hardness HRC 58-60
Handle G10 Black
Clip Reversible
Frank Patent US n°6.725.545B2
Blade 6,5cm 2.55”
Overall length 17cm 6.69”
Thickness 3mm 0.12”
Weight 110g 3.88oz
The FOX Karambit Knife is three tools in one:
1) Utility Knife
2) Martial Arts Knife
3) Self Defense Knife
FOX刀具公司一直致力于做一些世界上最佳的刀子和工具,它结合最古老的技巧与最新的工业技术.产品.使用N690高级不锈钢,黑色Idroglider涂层,FORPRENE 高耐温聚合物柄材,原产于意大利的FX-0107153不仅拥有多功能战术开山刀线条简洁利落,充满战斗的气息,而且坚固锋利,在任何险恶严酷的环境中也可以发挥其最大的性能,其外带的野外生存工作组套装,各种野外求生用具一应俱全。意大利刀具公司位于世界著名的刀具制造之乡,意大利北部小镇MANIAGO,是世界著名刀具生产商之一。

About the Karambit Folding Knife:
The Karambit is a functional knife first introduced in the Indonesian archipelago. However, some believe that this unique design originated in Malaysia or the Philippines. The knife was originally designed to be a working folding knife and dates back to the 6th century. This unusual but functional design was first introduced into the United States at the end of the 1800s but was only put into use by the mid 1900s. In Europe it was first introduced in 1970 and 1980 for use in several martial arts disciplines like the Indonesian Pencak Silat, the Malaysian Bursilat and the Pilipino Kali. Today the Karambit Folding Knife is the next generation of Folding Knives. With the advantage of the Emerson Wave Shaped Opening Feature (Patent #5,878,500), this is one of the finest personal defense weapons ever developed.

此款FOX 591 折叠“爪刀” 是在古老印度和马来西亚地区流行的爪刀基础上改进而来的,古老的人民模仿大自然中的丛林之王老虎,研究虎爪的造型,创造了这种极具攻击力的爪刀;如今,FOX改进了这种传统刀具,制造出便于携带的口袋折叠虎爪,风靡世界,众多练习爪刀格斗的机构都选用FOX的此款爪刀作为选择!采用N690Co钴强化N690不锈钢制造,表面为黑色涂层处理;采用新型的专利开启方式;手柄为3D立体切割的黑色G10材质,握感舒适,坚固耐用!