品 牌 |
BÖKER 博克 (德国) 官网地址:www.boker.de |
型 号 |
# 02SC016 “Sierra Delta Tanto" 马格南系列·三角洲战术生存直·黑色石洗处理
产 地 |
MADE IN TAIWAN 德国品牌,此款在台湾制造 |
全 长 |
25 cm |
刃 长 |
13 cm |
刃 厚 |
3.8 mm |
刃材质 |
440A Steel 440A不锈钢 |
硬 度 |
58-59 HRC |
表面处理 |
Black Stonewash FINISH 黑色石洗处理 |
手柄材质 |
screw-mounted G-10 grip scales Handle 一体龙骨结构,表面为黑色3D立体山型防滑纹路G10包裹 |
重 量 |
198 克 |
鞘材质 |
Kydex K鞘 |
设计者 |
包装规格 |
纸盒 |
限 制 |
--- |
官网价 |
59.95 欧元 不含运费及关税。 |
A grandiose knife. Equipped with this "universal key", no doors or hardware will block your way. The solid blade made from 4.8 mm thick 440 steel and the extraordinarily rugged grind and full tang construction transform this knife into the perfect tool - not only for a pointman. The Breacher is used for hacking, levering, and digging without pushing the knife to its limits. The brown G-10 grip scales are screw-mounted and provide a comfortable grip. Incl. lanyard hole and kydex sheath with carry adapter.
