品 牌 |
FALLKNIVEN (福克斯尼文,瑞典。官网地址:www.fallkniven.com) |
型 号 |
# S1 Pro “Professional Survival Knife” S1-PRO 终极生存直,附带高级收纳盒
产 地 |
全 长 |
24.7 cm |
类 型 |
凸磨 |
刃 长 |
13 cm |
刃 材 |
Lam Cos Steel 钴合金特种复合合金钢 |
钢材硬度 |
60 HRC |
表面处理 |
手柄材质 |
Thermorun ,黑色热塑弹性橡胶体包裹 |
刃 厚 |
6 mm |
重 量 |
190克 |
设计者 |
包装规格 |
附带高级收纳盒,防震,防水,可同时收纳卫星电话,GPS等精密设备。 |
鞘材质 |
Zytel |
官网价 |
2440瑞典克朗 |

There are survival knives, and there are survival knives for the professional survival. Our models F1, S1 and A1 have provided exceptional service for more than twenty years and due to their outstanding quality and durability they will continue to do so for many years to come. Nevertheless our desire to strive for continual improvement has led us to develop the new Pro Series which takes the concept of survival knives to unimaginable heights of quality. We began developing these impressive new knives in 2010 and five years later, we’re able to offer three survival knives which set the benchmark for survival knife manufacture worldwide: the Pro series.
To put it simply a knife is a blade and a handle. But if this vital tool is to remain strong and stay sharp you have to add fairly decent materials. If you then claim to call a knife “professional” you take on a responsibility to the user to raise the bar above what is normal. So it is with the Pro series.
The Pro series of F1, S1 and A1 differs from its predecessors in the following important details:
The laminated VG10 steel is replaced with a laminate cobalt steel (lam. CoS) which, amongst other things, ensures a durable edge and improved edge retention.
The blades are consistently thicker causing an increased torsional rigidity – they will withstand even greater external forces than before.
The tapered tang is wider and thicker and thus significantly stronger.
The crossguard is made of stainless steel and permanently mounted to the tang.
The convex edge has been refined to improve the cutting properties.
The zytel sheaths are redesigned meaning they are more durable and are better suited to the Molle attachment system.
The knives are supplied with our most valued combination whetstone, the DC4. It offers both a diamond whetstone and a ceramic stone for field sharpening.
The knives are packed in shock-resistant, waterproof boxes that can be used for storage of smart phones, GPS, documents, survival gear and much more.
Understandably these knives fall into a higher price category. However, considering the unparalleled quality they are by no means over priced. A professional survival knife should be able to be relied upon in the all-weather and we really mean all weather. It should also be pleasant, safe and comfortable to handle whether it’s fine or rough work, summer heat or winter cold. We have considered everything in the design of this quite superb knife and we, therefore, offer a lifetime warranty on materials and workmanship.
来自瑞典的FALLKNIVEN刀厂是一家真正的家族企业,创办于1984年, 近二十年来以生产高质量猎刀和渔刀而享誉北欧,这家瑞典公司为每一位需要的用户提供耐用的野外刀具!是公认的瑞典首席刀厂。从1984年开始自行设计和生产刀具,产品线扩展到生存、野外、甚至军方刀具领域,该厂一直为瑞典空军提供生存刀具,尤其以F1型号最为著名。自1998年以来,更在全球刀具界声名日盛,今天,参加任何一个美洲综合刀展,或打开任何一本刀具界的知名杂志,你都会看到他们的产品——刀刃上印着十分醒目的F.AB SWEDEN,和VG-10,这是FALLKNIVEN最喜欢选用的刃材钢。
F1 是 Fallkniven 最早提供的生存刀,是为瑞典空军设计生产的。刀型采用 Loveless 水滴尖,同时也是一把非常出色的猎刀。F1有两个款式:抛光的和特氟龙涂层的,也都可以选配皮革鞘或Kydex鞘。H1 猎刀,G1 GARM 靴刀,和F2 渔刀。F2 和 H1都是野外用的全能刀具,GARM则相对专业一些,是执法人员首选的防身武器。S1 丛林刀,非常出色的野外用刀和生存刀。A1 则更适合军方,或重型求生用途。两个型号都有抛光或特氟龙涂层款式供选,也都可以选配皮革鞘或Kydex鞘。WM-1 的每一个款式都是当今市场上最畅销的颈刀,对那些不相信折刀线锁的人来说,它是最佳的替代品。
Fallkniven 的直鞘刀体现出北欧风格的大气和对高品质的不懈追求。几乎所有产品都以非常昂贵的VG-10高级不锈钢作为刃材,经过全面的淬水处理,具有极高的硬度、韧性和抗磨损能力。同时,Fallkniven坚持每把刀都是全龙骨等宽柄芯,使刀刃和刀柄浑然一体,绝不吝啬原料来损害刀的坚固和力度。
S1 PRO 简介:
此款 S1 PRO 专业生存直是目前最顶级的专业生存直型号。采用特制的 LAM COS 钴合金特种合金钢为核心,表面为较软的不锈钢包裹,提供更好的韧性和保护;三层的复合夹钢即提供足够的硬度和强度,表面的软性钢材则提供了优异的韧性和耐腐蚀性;采用凸磨开锋,减少切割阻力;刀身为一体龙骨结构,手柄护手为不锈钢材质,更加坚固耐用;采用全新设计的外形,比传统S1有了细微的调整;重新设计的ZYTEL材质刀鞘适应MOLLE系统;附带一个高级密封收纳盒,可以容纳卫星电话,GPS等精密设备,随同S1一起放在这个收纳盒里携带。同时,S1PRO附送一个DC4 钻石双面磨刀石,方便随时保养。