Metamorphosis handle: it is an Aluminum handle with a special coating, which is heat sensitive. Normally the handle is black but as soon as the temperature reach 22-23 °C the handle changes the colour! If you keep the knife in your hand for a couples of minutes it will change the colour from black to Camouflage.
Molletta - Pensato Michele
Michele Pensato - aka ‘molletta’, his nickname in Italian – is a very active designer with years of experience. His previous life as an excursion lover and a passion for archaeology had him spending most of his experiences in the great outdoors, where he soon got to understand how a great knife should really be and what it should be capable of achieving. He led the Nexus production group and the group that was created at the MCKF Forum. A keen student of the steel industry, he stands out for his new approach to the use of materials and experimentation in thermal treatment applications.
An advanced user of design software such as Catià, Solidworks, Inventor, he applies FEA to design and aims to create yet more solid and innovative products. 此款KUR系列的设计师为钢狮著名设计师:MOLLETTA。
此款LionSteel 钢狮 KUR 系列型号,获得了2016年度全美国BLADE SHOW "刀展" 年度冠军型号!该系列KUR折刀由钢狮著名的设计师 MOLLETA。同时也是钢狮著名型号SR1系列的设计师。钢狮的作品非常独具特色,很容易从一堆型号里认出钢狮的产品。
该款 KUR BK 型号,刀身采用乌德霍姆公司的 Sleipner 高性能钢材。这种钢材具有极其优异的切削性能,高耐磨损性能和高抗崩角性能,同时具有极好的热回火能力,在高温下仍可以保持高达60-61HRC的硬度!这种钢材在工业上通常也被叫做冷作模具钢,也就是制作模具的钢,里面用来容纳高温液体,由于温度高低变化剧烈,普通的钢材很容易产生裂纹甚至是崩裂,也很难承受制作模具时的高压,而此款SLEIPNER钢材则具有极好的抗崩角抗温度变化的能力,而且能在高温下保持极高的硬度;刀身表面为石洗处理,更耐日常使用中的磨损,不会因为使用中刀身表面产生划痕,而让玩家心痛不已,而且所有刀身棱角部位,都做了倒角处理,手感非常舒适。KUR的主轴部分采用IKBS 轴承系统,内部为数颗钢珠组成,让刀身开启和闭合的时候更加顺畅,也比传统垫片更耐磨损,使用时间更长;而此款的快开按钮则是和刀身为一体,开启之后可以当作护手,增加一份安全;手柄部分采用黑色G10材质制造,锁定部分采用经典的LINER LOCK 内衬锁结构,内衬锁的材质和刀身内部钢衬是420不锈钢材质,刀身背部的背条为钛金属材质。在刀身末端有一个钢丝的口袋夹,可以左右互换,方便使用者携带。 手柄xn。 双刃行 唯一官网