Loosely based on common karambit designs, the TOPS "10/27" is definitely a unique approach. The angles and shape of the knife are perfect for the reverse grip popular with karambit knives, but you can use it quite easily in a traditional hammer-style grip as well. Slashing and ripping cuts are performed quickly to make this knife dangerous in the right hands.
TOPS "10/27" was built in true TOPS form. It is sizable and powerful, yet comfortable to hold and use. The handle profile along with the G10 scales make it easy to deploy. The deep groove near the blade, as well as the index finger hole, which is ample for very large hands and smaller hands, help avoid slipping and provide a secure grip. Our New Tactical Stone coating completes the package. TOPS "10/27" is sure to intimidate any opponent, especially in self-defense situations. No one messes with a TOPS knife.
TOPS公司他们有两句格言,第一句是“Special OPS trust TOPS,cause they're hard to cords”,意思是特种部队信赖TOPS刀具,因为TOPS刀具是非常坚固的,第二句是“Onekife....one Life”,意思是在任何时候,任何方面,一把优秀的刀都将是你至关重要的帮手。这句话也充分表达了TOPS人全力为刀具爱好者奉献一把在何时都能表现优秀的一把刀具。美国Tictical-OPS公司在海外无分厂,全都在USA美国基地生产。